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Venetia Chapter 1

A Bond
The night will come and the seas will announce His arrival
The Skies will part the coming ages
He comes He comes
Bringer of truth
The Mender
He Comes.

-          Sor Juana, Tower of the Sun.

The Imperial Eagle spread her wings as the wind carries her in the cold embrace of the early morning hunt. Majestically the Mountains of Mist spread below her with their flat peaks on the other side the Tower of the Sun spreads up to the sky with its twisted stairs and shut windows.  The Eagle scanned with sharp eyes and moved on to the real hunt.  The Mountains hid the real treasures where man did not hunt. A white rabbit came out of its hiding hole as the sun rays caressed the slopes of the mountain. The silent killer circled and stalked as the rabbit tried to escape. It was too late. Off the ground the rabbit went limp and the world continued its stream of life.
The farmers farmed their lands and the bakers made their bread. The city of Mist at the foothills of the Mountain fully awake spread the news of the escaped witches from the Tower of Ravens. Aged wives with their ash-hair carried the laundry baskets and with their babies tied to their backs with their long shawls. Donkeys already loaded with wood passed by the city hall where a large group of town folk gathered as the Royal Army paraded with their golden armor and red capes. Children and elders alike starred in awe as the big war horses continued arriving.

It was said that they spoke the language of Angels and their swords killed even demons. Of course there were also fools that claimed that they were nothing else but a show of arrogance of the Empire. An excuse to dress Lords and Ladies in golden armor to show the power of the Empire. But, if one looked into those green eyes face to face one saw chained beast ready to strike.  Many avoided looking at them for long. The crowd fell silence as one of the knights with a white cape came out of the town hall. His long silver hair hung to his shoulders and his blue eyes scanned the crowd before he spoke.
“People of the Empire. Your Empress and your Emperor send you their regards. Let it be known that we have not forgotten you and that our haunt for the escaped witches will be swift and we will not rest until they are found.”  He paused as the crowd began to whisper among themselves.
“How did they escape? We thought that no one escaped the Tower of Ravens.” One fellow with a long green hat asked.
“We are still investigating. But that is a task for the Inquisitors. Our job is to find those witches as fast as possible.” The commander continued. “We will require everyone’s help. If you noticed anything weird last night please come talk to us. Captain Evergreen will be in the Town Hall asking questions and taking testimonies for those that come forth with any information. Remember that even if you think it was nothing out of the ordinary. It might be something helpful that might help us catch those Witches faster.” The commander said and stepped to the side as Captain Evergreen stepped forward. His long Red Cape hung close to his body, and his golden sword to his side.
“Good morning folks. I am Captain Evergreen.  I am here to help with any questions you have, and I will be also keeping you up to date with current status of the hunt.” He said smiling and he stepped inside.
The crowd dispersed as soon as the Knights began to march off the city in different directions. Inside the Town Hall clerks moved quickly as they moved desks and chairs around the main entranced. The Town Hall was a large building with a few offices to each side, but the main part was like a small throne room. With a large dome on the top that had large windows. The walls were decorated in the ancient tapestries of the Mountains of Mist covered in mist in the late winter storms. There was also the Imperial banner to each side of the room.   An Imperial eagle holding a serpent with its peak and craws.  Lustitia Omnibus.  Justice for All.
Captain Evergreen ordered maps and notes about the religion to be gathered from the storage rooms.  Ancient and colorful maps spread among the big tables. He quickly marked where the Tower of Ravens was located and the locations that had already been combed.  There were no signs of the witches, besides the oddity of the witch that attacked the Witch Hunter’s Apprentices. Two of his men were on their way to the Tower of the Sun to research more about that incident. But it was way off the Tower of Ravens the soldiers that found the dead witch just went out to patrol the other side of the mountain as soon as they got the news from a white raven.  It was a good five hours in horse between the Tower of Ravens and the outpost near the Tower of the Sun. Besides that witch did not match the description of the thirteen that escaped. He put that aside for now and focused on the thirteen witches that were still on the run.
As Captain Evergreen was reviewing the notes from his soldiers the doors of the Town Hall opened.  The bald Inquisitor strolled in with his long white robe and crooked glasses. Two apprentices held his books and notes. “Captain Evergreen?” he asked in a commanding voice.
“Yes, Sir. I assume you are back with your findings?” Captain Evergreen said and continued to make marks on the maps.
“Ah, a little respect goes a long way my lord. You may call me Fredrick or Mr. Hills if it pleases you.” The Inquisitor said adjusting his glasses. They looked odd with his long nose and face.
“Very well Mr. Hills.” Captain Evergreen said without taking his eyes off the map.
The Inquisitor made a hissing sound. But continued. “There was no forceful entry.”
“We know that much, but what of the bodies?” The Captain asked.
“Well that is true. But, we believe that the wardens were killed after the witches were liberated.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it can mean many things. By from our investigation we can estimate that a soldier or perhaps a few of them were working for the witches. You know how they are my lord. They have certain skills.” The Inquisitor said, and one of his apprentices took out a sheet of paper from the bundle.
“What is this?” the Captain asked scanning the yellowish paper.
“This my lord? Is a badly written poem. It might not look like much.” The Inquisitor scanned the yellowish paper again and said. “But it clear that one of the soldier took to liking one of them witches.” The Inquisitor recited in bastardized accent:
For She walks like a she-cat in heat
my heart jumps at her sight and
I get stiff as a post
she meows in the silent nights
and her sweet tongue
bewitches me.
But Oh!  it cannot be
She promises sweet honey
if I set her free.
But cannot be
my heart throbs
the night is long.
                Captain Evergreen looked amused and said. “Not bad for a jailer.”
                The Inquisitor raised his eyebrow. “Yes, my lord. I chose one of the more civil ones. But, the fact remains that if one of the soldiers set them free it can explain why there was no struggle breaking in.”
                “Did you check the list of guards that were on duty the days before and last night?”
                “We did my lord. The ones that were in duty got a knife to their throats as a reward. We arrested the ones that were off duty right after we reached the conclusion that it must have been an inside job.”
                “Good. Where are they?”
                “They are being held in the Tower of Ravens. We have already questioned them. We got nothing new besides how the witches tempted them.” The Inquisitor paused. “Very disturbing indeed. It is hard to believe that they resisted to temptation so much.”
                Captain Evergreen looked away from his maps and asked. “What other theory do you have?”
                The Inquisitor signaled one of his apprentices and took out a long piece of paper. “We also found some elixir residue. Of course, it was just a lucky chance that we decided to investigate outside the tower itself.” He said proudly.
                “Do you know what elixir was used?” Captain said eagerly.
                “Well, my lord the substance is unknown for now until further study is done.” He said thoughtfully, “but if elixirs were used in the escape we can assume that there was another witch or someone capable of using them.”
                “This is very interesting indeed Mr. Hills.”  Captain Evergreen said and he turned to one of the messengers by the door. “Boy, relay the message that we might have more than thirteen witches in the run and that they are using an unknown elixir and tell them to be extra careful.” He paused thinking then said. “Also tell them if they find them, to follow them at the distance and unseen. It might dangerous.”
                The messenger left at once.
                “Very wise my lord.” The Inquisitor said scratching his beard.
                “Any other clues that you found?” The Captain said putting some more notes on the map.
                The Inquisitor bit his lips and asked, “Well there is one matter I do not understand. Why were so many witches kept together? We usually just keep two or three in custody.”
                “Well I would like to know that myself. The Captain of the Guards was not that talkative in the count of his slit throat and all that. I have a few clerks looking over the files and reports. I asked the Major of this town and he said that a delegation came in the middle of winter but the snows where too heavy to go up to the Tower of Ravens.  Three weeks passed and the snows did not slow down. They left and said that they were going to send another one in spring, but the Major said there was no other legation.” The Captain paused searching through the stacks of papers. “Here the names of the delegation members that came. I suspect they never made out of this region.” He said handing the paper to the Inquisitor.
                The Inquisitor scanned the names then nodded.
                “Mr. Hills I want you to confirm if they made it back to the Capital and I also want you to investigate how these thirteen witches were arrested and whatever background information you can find about who they were.” He said pausing. “It might also be helpful to consul any witch hunter in the area, they might know what sort of elixir was used and offer them some gold to not kill them. We need at least one of them alive.”
                “They can be a little brute my Lord. But I suppose it is good idea. Who better to hunt the witches?”
                “Yes, sometimes we need to dance with the devil. Anyways, do not tell them all the details. I want to see what they find on their own.” Captain Evergreen said and took out a big bag of coins and gave it to the Inquisitor. “Use that to grease some hands and inspired some of the Witch Hunters.”
                “As you say my Lord. It shall be done.”
                “Report back to me personally if there are any developments. I will be here listening to the tales of the people.” The Captain said sighing and putting seating down and putting his feet up the table.
                The Inquisitor bowed and the apprentices followed him.

                Venetia scanned the study again and blinked.  There in front of her was an old soldier with short white hair and trimmed beard bowed. She felt her heart jump a beat. It was really him. The head Captain of the Royal Family, not of the kingdom of Norashe. But of the lost Kingdom of Lillian or as it was known now as the Wastelands. All her family now reined over was a two mile land full of white and black sheep. A few cows and horses.  The house was a mini palace with small towers that were as just for show and Imperial banners over the wall along with the banners of house Goldstone and the old banner of Lillian. A blossoming colorful dahlia in a black field of stars.  The Goldstone sigil spread across the banner the three interlacing hanging from a leafless orchard tree. The Captain stood with his back straight and colorful cloak hung to his shoulders.
                “Captain Alvise?” Venetia asked recovering her breath.
                “You look good child.” He said smiling.
                “What has happened?” Venetia asked worried.
                Before the Captain could answer. The head Mistress of the Tower of the Sun cleared her throat and said. “That will have to wait for later child. For now we have more pressing matters to discuss and I doubt what the Captain has to say needs to be heard by these gentlemen.” She pointed to the Royal Guards standing there with their hands on top of their swords.
                Venetia felt anxious but kept her face calm.
                “It will be as she says, my Lady.” Captain Alvise said and stepped backwards. The study even if it was long and wide felt a little crowded with everyone standing there, and there were no enough chairs for everyone. Soldiers being soldiers stood to the side straight as an arrow. Venetia and Ashley stepped forward. The Mistress signaled them to take a seat.
                Ashley sat first, and Venetia sat feeling more anxious as the silence extended a bit as the Mistress poured some tea and offered one to each of them. It was too hot for Venetia she was never fan of hot things. She just pretended to cool it. She in reality hated hot teas more than anything, well and anything steaming was like a curse send from the heavens to burn her tongue. Even when her mother when she lived insisted that it not appropriate to refuse an offer of tea under someone’s roof. But servants knew better after she smashed many fine porcelain cups against the wall.  She got punished of course for her troubles. A week without riding Moon-shadow her tall black mare that run like the wind. After that she learned a few tricks to keep her temper down and the tea from burning her tongue. If there was honey at hand she would just pour more and more and she would stir the tea over and over. Sweet tea was better than a burnt tongue.
                “Alright, child tell us exactly what happened last night with the witch.” The Mistress jumped to the point and looked straight into Venetia eyes. She ignored Ashley. Of course the word of an heir might be more trustworthy than from an elf from the flatlands and besides humans being humans trusted more their kind. But Venetia would trust Ashley more than any of the fine soldiers standing around the room in a fight. Well maybe not all Captain Alvise was as skilled as any twenty year old soldier and the best swordsman she have ever known.
                “I am not sure how much we say about the trial, Mother.” Venetia said.
                “Well, I already spoke to a few members of the council and they said that they could make an exception this time since is an investigation from the Empire. After all we all serve the Empire.” The Mistress said smiling at the Royal Guards standing behind Venetia and Ashley.
                Venetia felt not so sure. Of course the witch hunter trials were kept secret generation after generation and it had being drilled into her head to never reveal any of the trials for both her safety and for future generations. Of course a few stuff leaked now and then, but they were mostly denied.  But, she understood the point after cursing of this stupid rule and reasoning it out she figured it was a preparation for the real world as well. Out there in the world there was no second chances for failures and most often than not. People depended on Witchers to get the job done and their safety depended on it done properly, even if witch hunters most of the time they were no compensated. She breathed in and out before briefly explain how the black panthers stalked them for a few miles. Venetia figured it was a good place to begin and a safe place to just confide revealing this secret out to members outside the order.
                “We continue walking but we felt something following us at the distance. Our training kicked in and we split up in two different directions always keeping an eye to where the other was. We are sometimes foolish but not so much. Anyway, after a while three figures emerged from the night probably confused. The hunter had become the haunted.” She did not bother to go into detailed information than that as to how they hid themselves. It was a witch hunter secret.  “We ambushed them and guessed they were part of the trial. After all our trials are random and we took it as one.”
                The Mistress interrupted. “No child it was not part of the trial.”
                Venetia looked confused. “What do you mean mother?” She asked and looked around the room.
                The Royal Guards looked concern at this news and Captain Alvise looked at her face concerned but warm.
                “We would never send such dangerous and unpredictable creatures to a trial of passing.” She paused and continued. “I do not even full witch hunters would face them alone. Let alone three of them in the middle of unpredictable terrain.” She said looking concerned.
                “This might be important my Lady.” One of the Royal Guards with long silver hair and a scar running along his long nose said. He looked around twenty summers and held his sword close.
                “Questions will have to wait Mr. Owen.” The Mistress said and nodded to Venetia to continue.
                Venetia continued. She told them about how they fought them one by one and how heroic Ashley looked slaying them. In very detailed imagery. Ashley blushed but remained quiet. Of course Venetia did not grandiose her fight. There was no need. It seemed that the defeat of those creatures was enough and her parents always instilled in her to be humble above all. A King is respected for the service he provides not but how fearless he is. Her father said to her one day as he talking to her in her bedroom after she had one of her temper fits with the servants.  The tore pink dress still laid by the fireplace. She was not going to be dressed as a doll for some lord party. Of course, it was not all that made her upset, but as they say it was the little thing that pushed her over the edge. After the awful winter unable to ride she woke up in the morning to find her black mare almost dead.  The stable boys too drunk from the night before forgot to keep the fire on the fireplace that kept the stables warm.  She kept her temper down in count that they had important visitors from the Empire and it irritated her that she had to now and be nice to some dignitaries that probably did not remember her name. After a few blankets and walking Moon-shadow around the mare looked a little bit better. The day grew worse as she was stuck with one of the daughters of the dignitaries to show her around the “farm” it was an awful experience as they made their way through the melting snow remains and the muddy roads from the cold rains that hit hard all week.  Of course, the city girl fell a few times muddying her sky blue dress. Venetia suppressed breaking into a laugh. She admitted it was funny.  After that she had being scolded by her mother in the large library where they kept a few armor pieces and rows and rows of books. She had to apologize to the noble girl and most embarrassing of at all was she had to offer the noble girl to wash her dress by hand. Of course she did apologize and the noble girl cheeks colored under her long curly blond hair when Venetia said she would wash the dress. She tried to refuse in a polite way of course, but even so having a daughter heir offering to do your laundry was beyond the poor noble girl head.  She was spared the decision by Venetia’s mother stepping in and saying it would help Venetia be more humble and learn responsibilities.  After the silence moments the noble girl sent her dirty blue dress with a servant and Venetia learned her lesson through. Hour after hour of washing in and out of god knows what substances under the careful watch of a few servants that tried to step in and help, but she pushed them away as they were about to take the wet dress away from her hands. After a show of teeth the servants stayed back and offered suggestions under their breath.  The cold breeze chilled Venetia’s bones. With her hands clamming she climbed up the stairs and there the pink dress waited besides the warm fireplace.  The golden bath was ready with steam rising to the air, and the hairdressers along with other servant stood ready. There she erupted almost feral like screaming at the top of her laughs tearing the intricate pink dress to pieces. The servants well pale and dashed out of their room dropping their bundles. Such was the sight that the place was empty at once. Venetia knelt before the fireplace with tears running down her eyes.  There her father found her, the king and not a king of a lost kingdom.  He embraced his daughter and put a warm blanked over her shoulders helping her stand up and walked her to her bed. Silent she embraced her with his eyes closed and her tears rolling down. He kissed the top of her head and told her that she did not need to go to the ball if she did not want. She stayed quiet. And like a little girl she sobbed, and he hugged her warmly. After a few minutes of silence and the sobbing subsided. Her father turned into the King that was in his blood. His strong and commanding voice that sent soldiers and lord to their knees echoed across the silent room.  It was not fearless but commanding, and Venetia felt as if a knife was stabbing her father as each painful word that he said came out. She felts hers breaking.  Of course she knew better and she loved him for that. One was supposed to show composure in front of servants and more in ones that cared so much for her.  He told her about how even thought their Kingdom was lost there was no reason for one to become a savage with the sillies things setting afire the fury of a royal family. Venetia tried to protest, but her father silenced her with his concerned blue eyes.  There were no punishments that night, but after that she felt like a wounded lamb around her father.  A wicked creature with no salvation. She stepped with care around the little palace and avoided meeting her father eyes for a long time. It hurt her, but she felt it was a self-impose punishment for her behavior. After a week or so everything returned almost back to normal but her lesson was branded on her soul like tattooed scar that was there as a reminder when she had disappointed her father.
                   “The black panthers left smoke imprints in the ground as if fire burning under them.” Venetia said half remembering the daze of the fight.
                “But, I do not think it was actual fire.” Ashley said finally breaking her silence. “Look at my scratches.” She lift her hands up from her black cloak.
                Everyone studied the marks with care. They were already healing. A good side effect from elixirs Venetia thought. Of course the fire resistance also helped. But she stayed quiet. Reveling too many witch hunter secrets was dangerous.
                “They look as the scratches from a big house cat.” The Royal Guard named Owen said.
                “One mighty cat I would say.” The Mistress said.
                “We flatland Elves are have a hard shell.” Ashley said joking.
                “After the last of those creatures was dead. A fireball shot from the trees.” Venetia said bringing the conversation back.
                “Do you think the witch sent the cats?” The Mistress asked.
                “Not sure, but probably” Venetia said and paused. “But it is said that witches command wicked creatures so there might be some truth to that.”
                The Mistress sipped her tea and looked at the distance.
                “Well may as it is.”  The Mistress said. “We searched around the place after the witch was dead and did not find the bodies of the creatures.”
                Venetia and Ashley looked at each other, confused.
                “Do not be surprised children.”  She paused and continued. “There are many things you still need to learn about witches. They can create illusions out of air.”
                “But illusions do not harm.” Ashley said sharply pointing at her scars.
                “Well child. Think about it. If they had been really being those black panthers you describe or hellcats as some call them. You would not be here talking to us. And illusions do hurt never underestimate them.” She paused before continuing. “What you defeated in an unknowing way was the illusion that they were there. With your training and you slashed those illusions away.  Magic like anything is a force that has a presence.  That’s explains why you felt as if something was following you.  This witch was instilling fear in you through the air like an invisible mist that you did not see.  Once you trained a little more and have more experience such things will not fool you.” She said and sat there quiet.
                “But why then she decided to attack us directly?” Venetia asked biting her urge to shake the Mistress of the Sun seating them calm.
                “Well it is obvious child. The illusion did not fool you as she expected and besides witches are coward creatures they would do anything to avoid direct confrontation. It is much easier for them to send illusions and setup another traps that leave no evidence of them ever having a hand on it.” She paused sighing. “It is easier to break the mind and not get dirty. But she underestimated how alert and full of energy you were because of the trials.” She trailed off and the room grew quiet.
                “I am sure everyone has many questions. But, we know the rest of the story from what has been relayed. If you gentlemen have any specific questions that would like to ask. Now is your time. If not we can continue to our task. God knows it is already the middle of the morning and there is much to do.” She said looking at the stack of papers neatly stacked in the corner of her desk.
                “Mother if I may speak to Lady Venetia for a bit.” Captain Alvise said bowing his head. “I am sure Lady Ashley will be glad to answer any questions. These fine gentlemen have.”
                “You may, Captain.” The Mistress said rising. “The small library at the end of the hall might provide you the privacy you need and I am sure Ms. Malloswen will be able to answer any question that arises.” She said and the Captain opened the door.
                Venetia felt a little bad for leaving Ashley behind, but she was sure her friend will be fine. She was more worry about her conversation that she was going to have with the Captain of her House. As the door closed behind Venetia and Captain Alvise she embraced the short man. His cheeks colored but remained composed. “I missed you grumpy man.” She said smiling.
                “Oh Lady you color me much.” He said walking straight.
                “How is the old lady?” She asked and biting her tongue not to ask while in the open about the worry that crawled in her heart.
                “Well she is fine as a bell. She said to bring you some of your favorite bread. It is waiting for you in your bedroom. I think one of the sisters took it up.” He said smiling.
                “Ah, tell her thanks from the bottom of my heart. I miss her cooking a lot. Not many appreciate what one has until it is gone.” She said solemnly.
                “Indeed it is my Lady.” The Captain said quietly.
                “I hope I can visit after this terms is done.” She said quietly too. She wished to be back home with the familiar aromas of the “farm” the steaming cooking foods, the fresh bread in the big brick oven and the almost toothless bread maker that was always ready to cook her favorite breads with a smile.
                “You are surely missed my Lady. The place is a little too quiet without you.” The Captain said smiling.
                She suspected that Captain was trying to keep from saying that the place was better off without her and her temper but she was not that bad now. She thought besides her crazy ideas of her itchy brain she almost drove most of the servants crazy when her mother and father died. She turned the little palace almost upside down.  Everything was rearranged up and down. Of course poor maids and men did as she wished.  But that is a story for another time. They made their way to the little library to where the Mistress of the Sun had told them.
                Inside Venetia took a seat by open window. She felt the fresh breeze on her cheeks. The wind caressed her long blond hair. The Captain sat on the other side and they both looked out the window. Admiring the beautiful view. The long trees descended the Mountains of Mist in rows and rows along the road up were a few donkeys and long processions of people walked up the mountain. After a few seconds of silence the Captain said. “The world is changing my Lady. I feel it in my bones.”
                “What do you say that Captain?” Venetia asked feeling the early sun rays warming her face.
                The Captain starred into the distance again. “Just the ramblings of an old man.” He said taking a deep breath.
                “What is wrong?” Venetia asked without any hesitation.
                “Wrong? Many things are my Lady.” He paused and continued. “But, many of those things have to wait for now. We have much greater importance to discuss and the time is short.”
                Venetia looked away from the window and looked straight into the Captain’s brown eyes.  “I am here for whatever is needed Captain.” She said concerned.
                “Did I ever tell you my Lady, that you have your grandmother’s eyes? They always are able to look into one’s soul. In my time they were called Angelic Eyes of course now days that would be said to be demonic or some work of witches. But, they are wrong no being of evil would have eyes such yours.” The Captain said looking ever so old.
                Venetia blushed and looked away. It was true that she knew about the stories about her grandmother Julia Goldstone. She was the last grand-daughter of the true Queen from Lillian.  It was said that her color eyes changed according to how she judged the people in front of her. She looked into their souls like Queens of old. Venetia asked a few times her mother about it, but her mother said she did not know much about it besides the legends.  Venetia kept her eyes color hidden with lenses called contact eyeglasses it was part of the secret witch hunter arsenal.  They were used as another barrier to prevent witches from taking control of your mind and other creatures. Of course there more advanced ones that had specific purposes but with the ones she had on Venetia eyes looked light blue. They were sincere and approachable.  Of course Captain Alvies knew her true eyes and once those have touched your soul they are hard to forget. “Yes Captain I have heard about it.” Venetia said keeping her voice calm.
                “Yes, I suppose. Well on to business.” The Captain said and took out a letter with a wax seal out of his cloak.
                “What is it Captain?” Venetia asked curiously as she held the letter and it had a seal she did not recognize. It was a yellow wax seal with white swords intercepting and a red P in the middle of them.
                “It is the Holy seal, my Lady.” The Captain said with a smile.
                “Holy seal?” She asked turning the letter to the sun light. She never seen of this seal, even if she studied the seals from the major houses of the Empire and some of lost Lillian. “Who sent this? I do not suppose God sent it.” She asked.
                “Well, yes and no. In a way the Holy Seal is the word of God in a way.” The Captain paused and tried to find the right words. “Well my Lady, I think an easy way to explain without a long explanation is to say that within the church there is a hierarchy like in the outside world. This Seal represents the Royal Family of the Church.”
                Venetia tried to understand what it meant. She neglected or half forgotten what the old priest taught her during her childhood years. There was little use for her to learn the intricate workings of the Church since unlike her sister, Ursula, who spent her days and most nights praying in the old church.  Now Ursula at her thirteen years old was in the Capital studying at the prestigious St. Mary’s College. Too bright for her years, Venetia was afraid her sister would soon be deep into the Church politics instead of focusing on what really mattered. “Ursula might know more about this Captain.” She said.
                “Well General Gates must be already there handing your sister a similar letter.” The Captain said.
                “But what this mean? I mean why send a letter now?” Venetia asked.
                “I do not know my Lady, but maybe if you opened it your questions some your questions will be answered.” The Captain said curiously looking at the letter that Venetia fanned back and forth.
                Nervously Venetia ran her fingers through the intricate wax seal. It was a really beautiful seal and the letter smelled of old parchment. It always reminded her of the old books in the private library of her father. The long books with thick pages that contained beautiful paintings of lost animals and of animal she had never seen before.  She imagined traveling the world and seeing these animals in the fresh. She took a deep breath and her heart beating she broke the seal.  Two small medals almost fell to the floor but she got them midair.
                “What is that my Lady?” The Captain asked.
                “I do not know. They look like a pair of silver medallions.” Venetia asked and run her fingers through the silver medallions. A different face was formed on each medallion. One had a face she recognized. The Virgin Mary, her breath caught, and the other one a bearded man. She held both medallions to the light and saw them changing from silver to gold and transparent.
                The Captain just starred and said. “That looks like the Virgin Mary and Saint Peter.”
                “Ah, that’s who he is. Now I remember. But what does it mean.” She paused and said, “Look they change color in the sun light.”
                The Captain nodded.
                Venetia carefully held the medallions and looked inside the envelope for any more surprises besides the letter. But there was nothing besides the old parchment neatly folded. She took it out and began to read. She scanned the pages and blinked. Her heart raced as when she had felt when she ran Moon-shadow through the dark forest after the dead of her parents. The full moon was up in the late summer night and the little palace was in chaos as the Empire Royal Guards protected the place with hundreds of trained soldiers and the private guards from the Goldstone family. She remembered the place felt crowded when her parent’s bodies arrived. Covered in the colors of the Lillian and Empire banners. Servants threw themselves to the floor as the procession of guards passed and the candles burned in the long procession with the old priest leading the prays and the solemn march band played in the night echoing. Even the dogs cried.  Venetia’s mother was in a golden coffin and her father in a Mahogany coffin that was simple yet elegant. They died in an ambush when they went in their secret mission to the Wastelands or the lost lands of Lillian where a few of the people lived there in hidden settlements. Venetia’s father believed that a King needed to be among his people, even if he was just a King without land and his title in the Empire was only honorary.  But he insisted that it gave people hope that someday they could reclaim their Kingdom from the witches and other beings that ruled over the blasted cities and lands. Chaos now ruled the Wastelands of course. It was said that four witches attacked the caravan fully knowing who was hiding in there and most of the guards were killed defending her parents.  A group of the settlers recovered the bodies after the witches left the caravan burning.  Venetia that night promised to hunt those witches down and as Moon-shadow galloped tears rolled down her face and she felt her heart crystalizing. It was something beyond anger that she felt, fury that ran through her veins like a poison that spread all over her. Numb and dazed she felt Moon-shadow slowing breathing harder and harder. Venetia panicked and looked around. There was light around besides the full moon and Moon-Shadow was about to collapse.  She slowed to a slow run and she felt as if little ants were crawling up her knees. She petted Moon-Shadow neck as if to somehow try to heal the black mare.   She felt Moon-shadow heart beats and breathing slow and she knew she needed to transfer calmness to her mare. Animals usually felt their owner’s mood, and the last thing she needed tonight was her only companion in life to die because of her temper.  She whispered the old song in the old tongue:
O Fortuna,
velut luna,
statu variabilis,
semper crescis,
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.*
Moon-Shadow slowed to a walk and the night grew silent. The late summer breeze caressed the trees and there Venetia felt calmness like never before. The full moon reflecting on the lake and the solitude of the darkness embraced her in a cloak of protection and warm.  Determination filled her being. She was going to be the sword of the night and witches would scream the agonic silence she felt in her heart. Venetia re- read the letter again and again it was as if an avalanche of emotions engulfed her again and again.
                “What is it my Lady. Sit down.” The Captain said concerned.
                “Here, Captain you can read.” She said clearing a tear the rolled down her eyes.
                The Captain held the letter with his tired eyes.
                *"O Fortuna" is a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th century, part of the collection known as the Carmina Burana. It is a complaint about fate and Fortuna, the personification of luck in Roman mythology.”

Dear Venetia Goldstone daughter-heir to Lillian
            We would like to offer our late consoles for the loss of your late parents.  We knew, James, and Esther and they were great friends of ours. They will never be forgotten. Anything we can do you can count in our support.
            Unfortunately this is not the only reason we writing and it is not an easy task to put to you in a letter, but it is of great importance. We do not want to scare you, but you are in danger. God have mercy on us. We cannot say much in this letter without risking more. It is suffice to say that we will do the best to protect the daughter-heir. That is if you accept our help.
            The Empire wanted to wait at least two more years before giving you the honorary title of Queen of Lillian since that would be your eighteen name day and it was a tradition back in Lillian to coronate the next heir in their eighteen name day if the previous queen was not with us anymore, may she rest in peace.
            If you are reading this letter means your sister Ursula has already gotten hers. Speed of the essence, and we would like to have both of you to come to Nube as soon as possible. One of you must be made the next queen of Lillian. Events are coming together faster than we thought. Your mother was aware of the circumstances, and it would be dangerous discussing on this letter any more details.
            We gave attached two Holy medallions and they hold way the Key to your heart. Your mother always talked how smart you were, and I hope you can prove that to us. Ah, and we also have those that have the four kitties your mother left for you. They grow restless.
            May God light your way and the Holy Spirit protect you. Do not forget about our offer. Just ask the Mistress of the Sun for the Holy protection and show her one of the medallions. You do not need to say more. Go in peace and God bless you.
            The Secretary of the Holy Seat
Venetia stood in silence thinking. The day seemed brighter and dimmer at the same time. She never wanted to be really a Queen, but to leave that fate to her little sister would be cruel and even more so now that she would be in more danger than before. No, she needed to steel herself and for once stop just thinking about just about herself. It was like waiting for a bucket of cold water to fall in head even though she knew it was there. They warned her of the dangers but what reason did they have to warn a daughter-heir to a lost Kingdom. She never trusted that much the Church after they failed to protect her parents. But, if what was implied was true and she and her sister were in more danger than usual something needed to be done. She knew who those four kitties were or at least suspected.  She wanted right jump on to a horse and gallop all the way to Nube. “How long would it take to make the way to Nube Captain?”
The Captain lifted his eyes from the letter and took a moment to answer. “It would take at least three weeks. Depending on the roads and the horses.” The Captain said and shook his head.
“We would need a faster route. Maybe if we take a ship from Northern Harbor and it should not be much trouble. There should not be any snow now, besides a few storms.”  Venetia said looking over the map spread across the table of the small library.
“That can work my Lady.” The Captain said shifting on his feet. “But, the Harbor is really busy this time of the year. That does not matter I suppose we can arrange something.”
“We do not need to leave right away. You can send someone to arrange it.  I still need to wait for my results from the trials and we have to arrange with the Mistress of the Sun.” She said scratching her head. “I need permission from the council to take a break from my training and it should take a few days before that happens. A few other are not done with the trials.”
“So, how many do you think we need my Lady?” The Captain asked scanning the map once again.
“I would say that we can leave in seven to ten days.” She paused. “Anyway be ready to leave at a moment notice. I will not sit still if there are any more urgent news.”
“Yes, my Lady.” The Captain said. “This brings me to my next point.”
“What is it Captain?”
“Well, the reason for my visit really.” The Captain said looking at the distance with his tired eyes.
“Speak Captain, you worry me.” Venetia said looking into the Captain eyes.
“Well my Lady. With the news I bring I would not go galloping off to the Church.”
“What do you mean?” Venetia asked a little upset and sometimes the Captain really got in her nerves when he was trying to be cryptic.
“We have disturbing reports from the Capital and around the Empire. Our ears discovered a few reports of direct commands from the Church to eliminate important noble families.” The Captain said looking concerned.
“What is their reasoning?” Venetia asked.
“Nothing is clear in the reports so far. But some think they are using the excuse of Heresy to execute and take the lands away from those noble families.” The Captain said as matter of fact.
“Have there been any concrete reports of this actually happen?” Venetia asked rising her eyebrow.
“No really.” The Captain paused. “But we are keeping an eye on it. I think something massive is happening.”
“What do you think is happening?”
“In my humble opinion it looks like there are powerful players getting ready to show their true colors. The expeditions to the Pits of Doom have increased greatly, and the Empire investing a lot of resources on that. It is rumored that they searching for something powerful.” The Captain looked down at his hands and continued. “It is said that soldiers that go into those Pits return half crazy and some do not return at all.” The Captain said.
“Then this is more urgent than I expected Captain. We really need to go to Nube and get some answers. Your eyes and ears might discover a lot but there is nothing better than seeing straight into the eyes of your enemies and see what they are plotting. If this letter is a trap,” she said holding the letter “then I must be the one sprinting it. Ursula would be devoured if she is crowned. She cares nothing besides her prayers and the good of innocents.” Venetia said and felt as if she was being stabbed in the stomach.
“You are right my Lady. But it will be dangerous.” The Captain said concerned.
“Ever since I was born Captain. I had a mark in my head. Old enemies of Lillian and not counting the witches have wanted my head for a long time. This will just be a little more dangerous than usual.” Venetia said feeling a headache rising.
“Very well my Lady. Do you want to formally announce your claim to the throne?” The Captain asked bowing.
        “I am too far away from Little Lillian Captain.” She said in a nostalgic tone.
            “No my Lady. You do not need to hold the Crown of Spines to say it. You just need to say you want to take Lillian under your protection and it shall be done.”
            Venetia tried to remember the exact words. She never paid much attention to such things, since she never wanted to wear a crown and she figured that it was just symbolic anyways for a queen without lands outside Little Lillian. She unsheathed and held it up between her hands. “I, Venetia Goldstone daughter of James and Esther, swear to protect and serve Lillian with my sword, body, and soul.”  She said and the Captain offered his blade. She cut the palm of her hand and her blood poured over the blade of the Sword of Lilies. The Sword came alight as if it had been engulfed in pure white flames. Venetia almost dropped the sword but the Captain helped her to keep it tight.
            “This is not just any ordinary sword.” The Captain said smiling.
            “I have never seen it do this.”  Venetia said and continued to pour blood over the blade. “My soul, my body, and my blood form this covenant.  I, Venetia Goldstone, swear to bring our Kingdom to better days and to eradicate all that is wrong. This sword” She said rising the sword “will bring justice and happiness to the people of the realm. Rich or poor, noble or peasant. Does not matter. We are Lillians first!!”  Venetia said and smiled.
            From the Shadows of the small library a roar erupted.  Venetia held her sword towards the shadows and the Captain smiled. “Do not be afraid your Majesty.” He said and bowed.
            The figures stepped forward lowering their veils. Venetia finally saw the blond and dark hair women that knelt before her. “Who are they Captain?”
            “They are the Guards of the Lilly, majesty.” The Captain paused and walked in front of the knelt women. “They protect the Queen of Lillian with their blood, body and soul. They have protected you as a daughter-heir as well. But there were not to be revealed to you until you accepted the throne. They have always been watching from the shadows.”
            “You mean they have always been watching me with me ever knowing!?” Venetia asked almost feeling ashamed.
            “Yes, your majesty. Do not worry they have a bond of silence that cannot be broken. They see and hear, but their judging outside your safety has been drilled out of them” The Captain said. “Because judging is what ferments disloyalty and distrust. Do not worry they accepted this with their upmost pride.”
            “But still seems wrong” Venetia said concerned.
            “It is not wrong for them majesty, at least that’s how they feel. They cannot speak to anyone besides you and those that you give them permission. I give back the command I was trusted by your mother. They are fully yours majesty.” The Captain said.
            “What do you mean? When my mother gave you command of them?” Venetia had more questions in her head that she did not know what to ask first.
            “There are emergency clauses that can be added to the bond. She trusted me and when she passed away, may she rest in peace. I was to take care of them.” He pointed to the kneeling women. “There are forty of them. You now have command of the secret guard of the Lily.”
            Venetia was left speechless. One thing was to have an honorary throne and other was to be guarded like a real queen.  “Rise, I do not want people to be kneeling before me.” She said helping one of the guard women to her feet.
            The stood at once in unison with their faces looking straight.
            “It will be as you command your majesty.” One of the guardswomen said. She was tall and had dark eyes with short black hair.
            “How did I never noticed them, Captain?” Venetia asked scanning the women from head to toe.
            “Well, majesty they are to be kept in the dark. And if your careful eye did not notice them, it means they have been doing their job. Of course I kept them away from your trials. I got a scolding this morning for my foolishness. But I think if you are to lead us.” The Captain said and waited for a response. But continued when Venetia said nothing. “You need to face some of harder lessons on your own. That is the way your mother and father wanted. If I deserve punishment for my misjudgment I will happily accept it.” The Captain said kneeling.
            “Do not be foolish Captain. You did right. Rise.” She helped the old man to his feet. “I need more people like you to help and keep my feet to the ground. You are right there are challenges I need to face alone and now that I know the lives of this women are in the line I will need to be more careful.”
            “If everything goes right you will not notice them majesty. But, they can obey your commands from the distance if you wish to.  I do not know if you still remember the hand talk you learned.” The Captain said.
            Venetia tried to remember. The old woman that came every Saturday afternoon with her long white hair and skinny hands and she made Venetia learn the words with simple hand signals. “Yes I do Captain I think.”
            “Well she was one of the old guards of the Lily. You did not learn the normal hand talk of people that cannot speak.  It is a secret language of the family. They are more subtle and with a little of training can be incorporated into normal conversation. They are also experts in reading lips, so if you need anything to be heard or watched you can ask them. Of course it would be prudent to not call them in front of others. But you can signal them to have one of them follow someone.” The Captain said.
            “Very well Captain. But for now we will keep it a secret that I have made the oath. I do not want be marked as a traitor right away. We well know that the Empire likes to make a show of things and we will have to see what the Church has to say about my supposedly early coronation.” Venetia said and signaled the women that they could leave. At once the veiled they disappeared into the shadows.
            “You are right my Lady. I will go and do at once as you commanded.  We are staying in the guests rooms. I have ten men with me and another thirty are waiting in civil clothes in the city.” He bowed and said, “If you need anything just send for me. I will be around.”   With that he exited the small library.

            Venetia felt the full headache burning in her head as she exited the library.


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