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A Journey Chapter 1

When Will This Journey End?

Chapter 1.

 The wind blew over the Silk Road. Slaves and Masters smiled as the fresh breeze cooled their sweaty head. A whip flashed through the air and hit a bull to pull the heavy load forward. The Road was almost finish and the inauguration was just over the next full moon. The final touches were being done and everything was getting ready for the big celebration. Everyone was nervous because it had been one of the greatest investments of the Eastern Kingdoms and the Middle Kingdoms that just a few generations fought in bloody wars and never ending disputes. This road was a sign of the peace that now reigned in the region. Of course, it was not something that was done overnight. Kings and Queens had to fight for the project to move forward. But, that story is for another time.

                We take the new formed Road and travel to the guard outpost of Xin.  There guards and soldiers a like train with staves and swords and shields. Dust lifts over the training grounds and the cries of the sweaty man and women in the beautiful and harmonic sound of hard training. Captain Zhen stood with his back straight and his long black mustache as he shouted the forms.  In his late forties he was still a formidable figure with his long straight hair and white robes of Captain. He was called the dust devil because of his incredible ability to fight with the wooden staff, and his inborn ability to use magic. Of course, let him not hear you call it because it is after all just a fighting stance where the user can call forward fire and ice with their will and hard training. Calling such thing magic would make the whole aspect something that was cheap and Captain Zhen was not a wizard.
                Captain Zhen struck one of his students with his wooden staff unaware and the student flew over the air but the student landed on his fit and at once launched like a tiger to attack the Captain. He smiled and blocked the attack with his bare hands and again pushed the student away with just air.  The others that were practicing stopped to watch and another student launched forward with a sharp staff in front of him. Captain Zhen broke the staff in two with his wooden staff and the students stunned were unable to move. 
                From behind a long axe just missed Captain Zhen as it swung for him. His long white robe fell to the ground and like a cat turned around. It was Sergeant Lee with his big axe and long black beard. The axe again lifted into the air and Captain Zhen smiled as he blocked the attack with staff.  The axe and the staff rung true into the silence of the stunned students. The Captain kept evading the attacks and laughing as he hit the Sergeant again and again without ever getting hit by the axe. It was sharp the students knew as they had seen Lee sharp his axe every afternoon before dinner.
                Sergeant Lee dropped the axe to the ground and with his fist pounded the Earth making it shake. The Captain pretended to lose his balance but he then dropped his staff and the muscles around his arms began to tense as if they were coming alive. “So, this is going to be a physical fight I see Sergeant.”
                The Sergeant growled and he launched for the Captain.
                Captain Zhen knew that if he got upset Lee it was game over. He blocked the attacks from the giant with ease with the help of an air shield and as he hit the too big man he used fire to penetrate the heavy defenses he knew the Sergeant had and he laughed as the bulky man flew through air and landing on top of a cart breaking it and sending the bull running into the incoming laundry baskets the ladies were carrying. “Oh, shit!” The Captain said and disappeared into the air.
                “Where did that fool go!” a white haired woman screamed that was covered in mud and her basket of clothes thrown over the road.
                Everyone laughed and they went back to their barracks to get ready for dinner.
                Captain Zhen appeared over the orchard trees. He smiled it was always good to make the so already tensed students laugh for a little bit. In the next full moon there was going to be no more time for games and the serious work would begin and the fun as well, because after all is not what this all this training has been for? Years after years of painfully selecting the most loyal and not so easily corrupted guards for the job that was what would hold the security of the road in place.  They belonged to no Kingdom and they just answered to the council made out of the Middle and Eastern Kingdoms. Zhen was proud of seeing his work finally paying off, but he knew that it would not stay as peaceful for long. Local caravan guards and mercenaries were already recruiting heavily in anticipation for the Captain’s forces to fail. But he would show them that he was called the “dust devil” not just because of his impressive skills with the staff but also because of his hidden tricks and plans to make stuff just works. Of course there was more to it than just what was seen from the outside even if they were spies on the camp.  His secret elite force of soldiers trained elsewhere and just a select few knew about them.
                Captain Zhen was awoken from his deep thoughts when an apple hit him square in the head. He looked up and there in dark green and brown armor outfit Cameo laughed. “Looks like you are already dead Captain.”
                The Captain jumped up the tree like a cat and before Cameo knew what was happening he had a dagger against his throat. “Do not count your victories so fast.”
                “Alright Captain I give up.” Cameo said.
                Captain Zhen let go of him and smiled.
                “I just came to deliver a message.” Cameo said taking out a sealed paper from under his uniform.
                The Captain took the sealed envelope and opened it at once it had the seal that the council used.  The dragon serpent interlacing with a tree branch. His breath caught as he scanned the letter again and again with his big black eyes that broke enemies in their tracks.
Dear Captain Zhen of the Xing Training Grounds
We write to inform you of the grave events happening along that not yet opened Silk Road
bandits and tugs roam the roads openly during the day and at night they assault our construction crews.  But, this is not the worst of it
 Captain there are has been a murder and not just any murder it was one of our fellow Council Members that shall not be named since our masked identities would be compromised.
We command you that you take your best men and investigate the situation. We have attached the relevant information about the area the attack happened and from the witness that said it was a magic attack. We have hard time believing ordinary bandits possess such abilities but the corpse was indeed badly burn and there were traces of magic around it.
You have our full backing in this investigation and our zero tolerance policy will be your best weapon. Eliminate the enemy and their allies at all cost. We cannot allow for such acts to go unpunished.
-          The Silk Road Federation Council
Captain Zhen stood stunned for a moment, and he felt his blood boil with rage. How could such open acts aggression be carried out? He would need his elite force for this but he did not want to show his hidden hand so fast. He would need to bring a few of his best in the barracks and send a few of his elite forces to investigate in the shadows. Yes. It was the best thing that could be done at the moment. The dark forces were already showing their hands by openly attacking a council man something that was punished severely in all the Kingdoms of the alliance. They were probably testing the response of the council to respond. But, they might have bitten more than they could chew.
“Do you want to send back a response Captain?” Cameo asked dusting off his uniform.
“Yes, tell them it shall be done.” He said and turned into dust disappeared before the messenger.

The incredible fight between Sergeant Lee and Captain Zhen still replayed in Mei Lam head. Such skill with the staff it was like a blur as the Captain struck again and again the big bulky Sergeant. She wished she had such skills and the fight had inspired her and few other of her fellow companions that in hushed voices talked about the fight during dinner. Mei was sure that she had made the right choice by becoming one of the first security guards of the Road as all of them referred to it, and what a road it would be full of adventure and trouble. At her sixteen years old she was already top of the ranks her skill with the bow and staff was unmatched. She still did not master the Zen forms of fire and ice. Her instructors told her it would come with practice and years of training. But she was frustrated they still talked to her as a little kid even if come the next moon she would be going out there alone patrolling the Road. It was said that it took more than three weeks to travel the road across the kingdoms and that was in almost perfect weather and a pair of good horses.  She knew she would eventually travel it from side to side but that would come later.
Mei headed to the communal baths and she saw the others girls giggling along the way and whispering in conspiratorial talks. It was probably about boys and she knew it always was about that and probably also about the Captain. Many of them had a big crush on the Captain even if he was old enough to be their father. Mei just walked pass them and continued with her thoughts in the fight when someone called her from the shadows.
“Hey, there where you going so fast honey?”
“Ah, it’s you Cameo.” Mei knew at once who he was and she walked faster.
“Hold up, I got some good information that you might like.” He said catching up to her.
“No, I do not want to know what is under your trousers.” She said rolling her eyes.
“It is not that. But, since you ask it is fine.”
She continued to ignore him and he ran after her.
“Listen, this is important the Captain is going to need the best soldiers around the camp soon. You better be there when he calls.” Cameo said catching up and spanking her behind.
Before he left his hand she grabbed it and almost broke it in instinct.
“Do not do that again!” Mei said holding his hand as hard as she could and Cameo just looked at her with defiant eyes then he smiled.
“I like them aggressive now and then, but I will need this hand to fight my way back to the council.” He said slipped off her grip and jumped into the shadows before Mei could say a word.
She looked around with her gray eyes to see if anyone had overheard her conversation with Cameo. But everyone was still with their whispers about the fight from earlier and they had heard nothing she was sure. Mei made her way to the bath house and it was almost empty as she quickly took a bath like one of those she used to take by the lake near her house when she was on her way back from school. One dip into the big pool and a fast scrub. She felt nervous and refreshed as she adjusted her clean armor, it was a brown armor with boiled leather and well-worn out strappings. The standard guard uniform that made Mei look a little taller than she was at five two she looked beautiful and deadly in that armor. When she arrived outside the meeting hall there were a lot of veterans picking their teeth with toothpicks and a few others smoking their pipes in the darkness as they waited for Captain Zhen to come. There was excitement in the air and she could feel eyes fall into her. Heavy and full of judgment and Mei stood straighter with her head held high. There was nothing to be ashamed of if she wanted to aim higher and she had the necessary skills to do so. Let them judge me she thought.
                                The meeting hall doors opened and oil-lamp light spilled out into the darkness as Sergeant Lee greeted them. The rest of the Sergeants and Lieutenants looked distressed in the front benches. It was not good Mei thought she suddenly felt like just running away from all of this. She was not ready for such responsibilities or whatever was going to happen. She had gotten herself too high and now she was now going to fall flat in her face and feel the shame of the veterans laughing behind her back. But, she remember that she was in this camp not just for her but for the sake of her family. She was the head of the family now and her siblings depended on her to do well on this job, and there was also her pride. She bit her lips and smiled as she was carried by the rush of the smelly veterans that quickly took their places near the front. She stayed standing up and looking into the high chair where Captain Zhen drunk a cup of wine and ate a chicken leg with his other hand. His head was sweating and his beautiful long black hair was in such a mess that Mei wondered what had caused such distress. But, she was sure that there were going to answers for such things soon.
                Captain Zhen observed as more and more veterans arrived. After his long arguments with the sergeants and lieutenants he was not looking forward arguing with the veterans of war but it was a policy of him to listen to them. Sometimes they were wise even if they grunted half of the time and complained that the youngsters slacked in their training and that they needed to be pushed harder. The Captain knew all about this and he thought they the young students could use harder training. After all when he was young he was thrown into the wild to survive. At the age for twelve he stood before the mystical black tiger in the Tiger Mountain and he killed the tiger after just two nights. It was a dark and stormy night when tiger fell into his trap. Tigers are not fans of rain and much less storms and when Captain Zhen back then just called Little Zhen because of his skinny and short legs he setup the trap just outside the cave where the black tiger dwelled.  The trap was simple really, just a doe tied to a branch of a tall tree and a cage with sharp sticks that he had prepared with just the knife and rope he had been given. It was a pulley like system that he had seen many times used when he was near the harbor and marines were loading the big boats.  Gravity did most of the work after the load was up and it was all just a matter of adjusting the length of the rope or chains.  This way a skinny boy like him was able to lift such heavy trap up in the air before the storm hit. As the storm raged he made his way to the cave with and into the night he imitated the cries of a distressed doe.  He knew it was curse of action since a direct attack would have attuned the big cat into a fury and his senses would be more sharp than usual and the black tiger then would use his sonic magic to locate Little Zhen.  If the sonic wave hit Zhen it would be game over because the wave would not only locate him but stun him and watch as the black tiger killed him alive. It was stuff of nightmares many hunters told in the camp fires and probably something they had heard and not experienced themselves since they were still alive, but nevertheless Little Zhen kept that in mind as he run through the storm and still imitated the cries.  The big black tiger gave chase and it leaped over the rushing water and the rain continued to fall. When the tied doe saw the black tiger approach it panicked and Little Zhen smiled. He would not need to get too close to the trap himself. The black tiger slowed down and lowered its stomach to the ground as he was stalking his prey but the prey was not rushing off as usual. Something was not right the tiger probably thought. Little Zhen began to sweat and carefully made his way to where the trap was tied on the other tall tree. He knew a simple tree would be no protection and he would have to risk everything. He took deep breathes and concentrated his mind into the rope. One step at the time as he balanced in the branch trying to not make any noise. The doe continued to cry in panic and thunder fell in the distance making the earth and air shake. The big cat looked up but everyone was suddenly illuminated by a spell of fire Little Zhen had sent to the tiger in his panic. It hit the tiger right in the face and the tiger growled into the night in pain. Zhen felt his soul leaving his body, but he quickly let go of the trap as the big black tiger launched into the air and at once the tiger and the innocent doe were killed. A bloody mess that Little Zhen found after he woke up when the storm had passed and the sun rays caressed his thin face. He smiled and cut was left of the tiger’s head and carried it to the hunter’s camp. That day he had become a man. He was greeted with honor and glory.  He was presented with a wife the day after that as it was the tradition and he rightfully claimed his Zhen legacy.  A legacy which had been in dispute since his father and mother had died a few years after he was born. But, not anymore he had become a full Hunter and all his family belongings and honors were restored.
                Captain Zhen opened his eyes and looked around the meeting hall there she was, with her back straight and looking beautiful as ever. Mei his favorite student and one of the best fighters he had ever known. She just needed to dominate the Zen techniques that she was having trouble with, and he knew that most women took time to develop the affinity for Zen. But it also depended on their genes and he felt that Mei had those, perhaps if they instructed females in the way of sorcerers they would show more advanced Zen techniques that was such a male stance perhaps that’s why she as having trouble. All Mei needed now was to unblock her mind from what tied her to her body. Zen was more spiritual than physical and she would need to train her mind to break the barrier that stopped her from using the fire and ice spells. Captain Zhen smiled and stood.
                “Brothers and sisters, I have gathered all you here tonight to discuss some events that have been happening in the Road. It has not opened and yet there are some troublemakers that want to test our resolve.” He paused and everyone just stayed quiet. He continued, “I know that we all are eager to show our mighty powers but this will define more than anything else how the people of the Kingdoms and neighborhood nations view us. Our actions will be judged harshly and we must not fail.”
                “We shall kill of the offenders, Master.” A veteran with a white beard shouted.
                “Indeed there shall be no mercy. But, we first need to make sure we punish the right transgressors. This is a delicate matter since it involves a member of the Masked Council and we cannot ask too many impertinent questions that would reveal the identity of the member that died.” Captain Zhen conjured a map of the Silk Road from the air and it showed the point with a bright red light where the attack happened. He stood and pointed. “Here between the Devil’s Backbone and Tiger Mountains. It is a dangerous passing and there not only magical creatures roam but also is known to hide a dangerous bandit group of individuals.”
                “That is some delicate matter indeed.” The veteran answered.
                Captain Zhen nodded and then sat as others began to discuss the manner among themselves. He had always allowed for this because he understood that not only would he be risking his life but their lives as well. He noticed that Mei stayed still and just looked at him. He felt her gaze as if trying to read him and his cheeks turned red. It was not easy after all this time to be under the gaze of a woman. He signaled for her to come forward.
                Mei Lam felt her heart beat faster and faster as she made her way to the front. She did not know what the Captain wanted after all she might be in trouble for trying to study the Captain so intensely but she could not help herself his presence was attractive enough to her be attracted like a bee was attracted to a flower.
                “Sit.” Captain Zhen said.
                Mei sat nervously next to the Captain and a few of those around the hall looked at her with curiosity then resumed their discussions. She stayed quiet with her mind half numb and unable to speak. She had talked to the Captain before but it was just in practice and he always talked to all his students and helped them improve in there techniques.
                Finally the Captain broke the silence and asked Mei, “So, where do you think we shall begin with this investigation?”
                Mei looked down between her interlaced fingers before answering and said, “I do not know, Master. But, since we can’t ask any direct questions as to the victim was all we can do is find out how he or she was killed.”
                “A very good answer indeed Miss Lam.” He paused then sat forward, “not many of these veterans would think that way, and I like your original thinking.” The Captain said conspiratorially.
                Mei blushed and she felt her stomach turn. Maybe this time it would help her to just speak her mind.
                “But, then we would run into the problem we have in the first place. There was no autopsy and the body has already been cremated.” He said.
                “There must still some sort of physical evidence left behind if we look hard enough.” Mei said and paused still looking down at her fingers.
                “Close your eyes.” The Captain said.


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