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Heart Shadows

Heart Shadows

                Lucy was her name at least that was what she was called in that dirty Brothel between Bryant and 21st.  San Francisco, California .  She came from Fresno, California five years ago during the infernal summer of ’03. Other than that, not many people know what her previous life was like. Of course, I know since it is my job to know stuff about people. I know she graduated from a Visalia High School as an honor student in the spring of ’01. She came from a rich family, owners of many farms and restaurants.  
                But, as in every family there is always a black sheep. And Lucy, or rather Esther Pausini that is her real name, is the black sheep of the Pausini family. After her father died in the summer of ’01, her world went down the tubes. She began doing drugs and began hanging out with the wrong people.  This I was told by my contact, that I should talk more about later on.   She was kicked out of her house during that winter, and all her bank accounts were closed as well.  This only led to more drug abuse and to life on the streets doing petty crimes to get her fix, and to prostitute for shelter or sometimes just a simple pill of ecstasy.
                A few months later, her boyfriend from High School saw her outside of a Downtown Club, and when he told her that if she needed help he was there for her.  She accepted, and this boyfriend took her to his apartment. He asked her what she had been doing after they graduated. She hesitated and was embarrassed to tell him of how the months had been after her father died.  But, at the end she told her everything. The dude felt heartbroken listening to her story. He told her that she was welcome to stay with him and his family as long as she needed to.
 For a few days, she seemed to be doing fine, and he thought she was on her way to recovery.  But, on the fifth day after midnight she left the house, but not before killing the dude little brother when she was discovered stealing money from the kitchen jar of money.  Police looked for her all over the place and there was no clue where she had gone. The dude was enraged and heartbroken at the same time, he asked himself how it she could have done it, she that was such a sweet and loving girl. The girl with he fell in love with in the 10th grade… tall, bright green eyes, and an inviting smile that always made his heart melt.  Now was the killer of his little bro’ that one that always cheered him during his soccer matches, and the one that always was telling him how much he wanted to be like his big bro.
He looked everywhere for her, from the Downtown Club he saw last to their old hiding places where they used to make love during high school.  After a few months of fruitless search, he returned to retake a few of the classes he had failed, and in the spring of ’03 he got a tip that one of his old classmates had seen Lucy around an abandoned building with a group of addicts.  He considered calling the police when he got the news, but then decided that he needed first to see her and ask her a few questions. He left the dorms as night was falling and drove to the empty building, he saw a few junkies coming out of empty buildings and he parked his car in front of the building where his old classmate told him that Lucy was at.  At around eleven she came out of the building, with skirt too short revealing her thinning legs and he had to look hard to recognize her face.   When he did, he was surprised how much she had changed. Her air of innocence was gone now completely, and now she was part of the rest of the junkies.
He stepped out of his car, and followed her close until she was by herself. She turned to the corner and went inside the store, and came out with a brown bag. Probably booze and he walked faster and when she reached to her, the penetrating aroma almost made him vomit. But, he controlled his breathing; he needed to be strong for what was to come. He called her name, and at first she didn’t turn around, then he tapped her shoulder. She turned around with a sharp dagger and struck it in an instant in his stomach, blood began to flow and he struggled to speak.  And she seemed to recognize who she had stabbed and quickly dropped the dagger, and her little brown bag. She got in her knees and tried to stop the blood with her hand, but it continued to flow. A fast growing crowd of people passing by and junkies began to form around her. She quickly picked up her dagger, and fled the scene.
I watched her pushing people that were on the sidewalk, and then disappear into the night. I stepped out of my car and pushed the people around the bleeding dude to aside, and when I put my hand on his wound it turned dark red instantly.  With my left hand I closed his wound, and with my right I put my hand on his head. He was hot as coal, and I began to read his mind and heart. It was full of despair, sadness, love and revenge.  I whispered if he wished to make a contract with me, and promised him that I would do whatever he wished for.  He nodded that he agreed and I sealed the contract by draining his soul from his body.  For that is the price of my contract. I left his soulless body on the sidewalk, and then the ambulance came, as always late. I drove away.
It took a few months to locate Lucy outside Wal-Mart in Portersville. It was in the middle of summer of ’03. She was now walking with confidence with two young girls, probably junkies too around the parking lot. With their small tops and shorts to combat the infernal heat.  I watched them from my car, and I was hungry. Souls of junkies do not fill me that much up, but Lucy was another case. She once was a role model in a sort of way, and everyone that she has betrayed just made her look like a smoking ham in two legs.  I needed to get her before her soul got darker, with two kills under her belt it was going to taste a little bitter, but I like spicy souls once in a while.  Lucy and her girls were now street dealers from the look of it, a few cars approached them and they handed them something from the small pockets of their tight shorts and they got something back in return, probably folded dollar bills.
I observed them for a few minutes, and then I began to get dizzy with the heat and the hunger and I got sleepy. I drifted off and when I opened my eyes at the distance I heard sirens coming from many directions. Lucy and her girls quickly ran off from the Wal-Mart parking lot, and my blood began to boil with frustration. I started the car. Stepped on the gas pedal, and felt my intense hunger returning and every nerve in my body turning into adrenaline.  Sweat ran from my forehead, and then in a stupid move I crashed a cop car with my old car. The cop car made a 180 degree flip on the asphalt, and in less than a minute the whole city cops were ordering me to put my hands up and to step out of the car. I did I was bid, I could have done more. But, I was outside my territory and the Mayor of this region liked to keep things quiet, the less we used our powers the better.  An old and foolish way of doing things, but it kept most of his men and women under control, and I was just a guest.  I was booked in jail for a few days, and then I was released. Obviously, the Mayor had paid for it to be arranged but I never heard from him.  I got a new car, and after I fed from a few junkies and stupid drunk teens. I went to look for Lucy again. 
I was pissed. It was now not just about fulfilling a contract, it was personal.  I began to contact my most trusted contacts to keep an eye for her, and I continued to look everywhere in the Central Valley. Then, I was sidetracked by other business for a few years.  In the early spring of ’08 I got a call from one of my contacts in San Francisco, and he told he had seen a girl matching the description of Lucy. At once I drove to San Francisco, and began to look where my contact had told me he had last seen her.  The first night I did not have that much luck. As it is usual sometimes whores have different schedules and go to different brothels.  After a few raining nights, I saw her stepping out of a Yellow Cab; I didn’t need to see her face to recognize her.  She now looked a little bit chubby, and she was wearing a little red dress that was too tight for her body. The man at the door greeted her with a smile as he opened the door for her.
I waited a few minutes, and then got off the car. It was still pouring rain. I grabbed my bag  and I had to run inside the Brothel at Bryant and 21st. The place greeted me with a few familiar aromas of urine, cheap perfume, and old wood.  The man at the desk asked me if I was staying for a night.  I said that yes, and I paid the eighty bucks, and he told me that it did not include the extra service. I smiled, and he handed me a key. It was room 172. I opened the door, and was greeted once again with aromas of vomit and who knows what. The bed seemed to be clean, but I knew better.  I walked around the room inspecting it for any hidden cameras, or peepholes.  It was just a stupid precaution, since I could just use my powers and make blind spots anywhere I wanted.   After a few minutes a knock came to my door.  I checked that my bag was on the little table and my heart began to beat faster at the smell of the person behind that wooden door. It was Lucy, it was really her. After all this time, my mouth began to water. Then I composed myself.
“Come in. It is open.” I said.
Lucy opened the door and stepped in. She still retained that pretty face under the heavy junkie eyes, and pale skin. “Did you order extra service, Madam?”
“Yes, you are beautiful.” I said, with a big smile and trying to keep my watering mouth shut.
“Thanks, and you look beautiful too.  You look nervous, take a sit over that bed and I will make you relax.” Lucy said closing the door behind her.
I sat on the probably bed bug infected bed, and Lucy kneeled on the bed behind me, and helped me to take my black wet coat from my shoulders, and her finders began to work on my tensed shoulders.
“Relax.” She said and the aroma of alcohol emitted from her mouth.
I began to get turned on in a weird way, it was not sexual desire. It was the anticipation of devouring her soul in every way possible. It might sound strange, but the feeling of finding such special soul is better than any sexual feeling I had felt. Sure, it was already darkened outside by the years of prostitution, drugs, and killings. But it still had that creamy center, that just made my mouth water, and the feeling was intensified by the soul of the dude that she killed inside me.
“If it is your first time with a woman I will guide you, it is almost the same as with a man. Just relax, and we will both enjoy ourselves.”  Lucy said and began to kiss my neck and caress my breast. My body responded; it shivered and gave in little by little. But, I quickly regained control of it.  I could not slack once again, and lose her once again. I whispered a few words in Latin.
“What is that… some foreplay?” Lucy asked.
But in an instant Lucy body dropped like a heavy stone in my shoulders.  I pushed her into the bed, and got up. Went to my bag, and opened it. Revealing my instruments as I call them, and my felt like flying with all the excitement I was feeling.  I turned on the lights and I put on my favorite pair of gloves.  Even if I have done the ritual thousands of times, I still feel at times excited as if it was the first time I was doing it.  I had come prepared; with sharp knives and plenty of little toys to bring the juices out of the delicious soul.
I tied Lucy hands and feet to each side of the post. I needed to work quickly.  I set my timer next to the bed, counting backwards from 30 minutes.  It was plenty of time.  I placed my noise cancelling device in the middle of the room, and monitoring systems in the four corners of the room to keep an eye out.  After I placed my surgeon apron I told Lucy, “It will just take a bit. Relax.” Then I placed a heart monitoring device on her finger. I am not big fan of technology but this little device has made the work easier over the years, still I have my old ways to know when I have gone far enough.  Of course, killing the subject might seem like far enough, but is not. It is actually damaging the precious soul too much.
“Now, before we begin. I want to tell you why you are in this situation.” I said and tears began rolling down Lucy cheeks. I cleaned them up with my tongue.
“Don’t cry, I haven’t started yet…”  I said and caressed the sweaty colored hair from Lucy face.
She tried to scream, but no words came out. Yes, a simple spell is that powerful.  I smiled and said, “Don’t struggle, and listen to what I have to tell you.” I paused, and put an anti-shocking ball with a strap on her mouth. It looked kinky I thought.  I didn’t want the tongue to get spoiled. “I don’t need to hear your words. I can read your mind. Yes, I know you are wondering who I am. Well, that would take long time to explain, and that I don’t have. But, what I can tell you is that I contracted to ‘save you.’ Who do you ask? Well I don’t know if you remember your sweetheart from High School. Yes, the one you stabbed and killed his little brother.” I said and with my large sharp knife pointed to her belly where she stabbed him.  More tears rolled down her cheeks.
“What are those tears for, regret, satisfaction, or something else? I know what those are. But, it is too late to ask for forgiveness. You know that I have been chasing you for around 7 years. Almost no one escapes me for too long, but your soul is precious. You must have been protected heavily, and yet you must have rejected everything that was sent your way, that I was able to find you. Took sometime but I did, and that is all that matters.” I said with a smile on my face.  Then, she went pale.
When I touched her forehead once again to read her mind, she was hot and images of the many people that tried to help her along the way were being replayed. She turned everyone down, including some Angels that tried to reach to her, no one can force an unwilling soul it is even difficult for Angels. My mouth watered and I salivated a bit, like a dog I thought.  With my knife I began to cut her red dress carefully to not cut her, not yet.  She was had the mark of many injections all over her body, probably from every day drugging, and a few burns.   I began to wonder how some men would desire a body marked like that, but I guessed that it was not that bad as other junkies I had eaten before.  Her large breasts were begging to get a little saggy, and they were covered with small bite marks, probably done by some of her clients.
“I sorta feel sorry for you. You had beautiful body, a beautiful soul, and probably a successful life ahead of you. But, I understand what the dead of a parent can bring into one’s life. Just look at me, I had a very disturbing and poor family but the loss of my mother was still hard on me. But, we do what we gotta do in order to survive. Now, I do not have it too bad. When you eating souls you learn more and more about the world, and it prolongs your life for another 10 years. You cost me almost more than half a soul. Your soul shall last me at least 50 or more years, but I don’t know it is too covered in darkness. I might even get sick, but it will be worth it.”  I said, and took a small vibrator from my bag, then parted Lucy legs revealing her badly shaved pussy.
 I caressed it back and forth a little to relax it, then inserted the egg shaped vibrator, and she got wet as the vibrator worked its magic. Her body reacted quickly; maybe she was also into kinky stuff.  I smiled and pushed the vibrator further in. She came as I was taking out of my bag another of my little toys, “Dirty girl.” I said teasing. Then, took another pair of vibrators from my bag they hook to nipples easily. These are just some of my toys I picked from Japan, I thought it would be good to go back there and pick some more stuff as I hooked the vibrator’s to Lucy’s nipples.
I caressed her face as it was in full orgasm and felt her face muscles move back and forth and her mind trying to fight the feeling. “It feels nice, doesn’t it? Even our bodies betray us in such moments. Just like you did to that little kid when you were craving for meth or cocaine got too strong that you were blinded by it, and then once again outside that store when you killed Him. I watched your killer eyes from my car, I could have prevented it. But, there is nothing more delicious than watching a great soul being in such state.” I said and made a small cut just below her breast and drops of blood began running down her body.  She had another orgasm, and the never ending stream of tears continued to flow.
I was beginning to have an orgasm of my own with all the small drops of blood flowing over Lucy body. I succumbed a little and licked the drops of soul dropping out of her body.  20 minutes were left according to the countdown clock.  I cleaned my mind. It would do not good to drain her out blood, and soul. I wanted it mostly whole. I wanted to hold it in my hands and devour it slowly.  I took a needle and a substance out of my magic bag and showed it to Lucy. “You must be familiar with something like this; of course my stuff does not make you high, it just intensifies your orgasms and makes you see flying unicorns around the bed. You did have such dreams once, did you not? Anyways, I thought it would be appropriate to give you the best ‘high’ there is in life… fitting for a junkie like you.” I said and injected on her arm and her over abused vein jumped up, like a trained dog.  
Her eyes went white at once, and a smile appeared on her face. “Yes enjoy it… it will be your last.” I said and with a smaller knife began to carefully cut off her face, in a few minutes it was ready to be separated.  But, she continued to smile like she was living a dream.  I untied the leather strap around her mouth and made the last two cuts, then in a skillful move lifted her face… once beautiful now with the marks of drug addiction and bad skin care.    She did not feel any pain; I made sure the drug was strong enough.  I was fascinated how the muscles under her face still looked too young unlike her face, and I smiled too be able to look at a person that “naked.”
Sometimes I like to collect faces, but hers was not that beautiful with all the damage she had done. But, perhaps something else would worth while keeping, perhaps the creamy center of her soul. I smiled just thinking about it. “I will probably sell this face to some fetish collector. It might worth some; after all it goes together with an interesting story.” I said, and Lucy didn’t seem to hear what I said.
It would be useless to try and harvest anything if her face was in such bad condition; the rest of her body was probably in worst condition. I proceeded to the heart in a matter of speaking, but I just laughed to myself because it was after all the heart that was go next. I took off the hooks of the vibrators on her still hard nipples and put them in my bag, and flipped her nipples just for fun with my fingers.  15 minutes to go, I thought mentally and then I saw that clock and I was right. I had to move faster, all the foreplay just delayed my schedule.
I took out a sharper knife out of my bag and began cutting between her sore breasts.  At times like this I always wish for more hands to work faster.  My heart beats as each long cut was done slowly revealing the muscles under the skin of her chest.  I looked at the clock again and I had 8 minutes to go. In a hurry a take another neat device from my magic bag, and set it on top of her chest. I pressed a button and it sprung into life. The touch screen lit up, and I put my password with my bloody gloves and it begins to tear apart muscle and bones with laser precision, after all it is a laser.  I was hoping to do it by hand like old times, but time was of importance.  Sweat ran down from my forehead.  The aroma of the incased soul near her heart made my mouth water once again. I took out the silver soul container out of my special bag as the laser continued to do its work.  I noticed that the drug was starting to lose effect as Lucy tears ran along her faceless face.
I felt as if my heart was stopping for a moment. Any wrong movement and the laser could cut right through the precious soul.  I whisper once again the Latin incantation, and her bright green eyes stopped moving.  I turned off the laser machine and folded it into the large book looking case it came with, and then picked up the small knife once again. This I needed to do by hand, my stomach protests in hunger and my felt my hands shake a bit. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. 4 Minutes were left; I opened my eyes and made the small cuts around the heart. It was still beating softly and calmly.  I carefully made a cut around the cavity where her soul was, everyone has the soul in different places. Hers was not surprising right next to the heart like if it was part of it. Made me wonder how it was possible, but never mind that.  I grabbed the silver soul canister with my right hand and opened it with my left hand, a bright light came out of it, then and I turned it over the soul cavity and it locked into place like a sucking machine.  I turned it on and it began to suck the precious soul without dropping out that much, and filtering the darkness around it. Silver purifies most souls, but I guessed that it would still leave some bad stuff behind with hers.
My hands began to shake once again, the canister got heavy like a few pounds more.  I quickly took short breaths and waited for it to fill up. 2 Minutes were left. When it was full, I closed it and quickly put everything in my bag with crazy speed. I took the vibrator from between her legs and sealed it on a plastic bag and put it with the other stuff. Then, I looked at the soulless body there when its faceless face, and open chest. It brought a smile to my face.  Then in one quick move I took out her hardly beating heart, and then bit. It was not that damaged. Blood dripped down from my blood and I devouring it eagerly as quickly as I could.  Thirty seconds were left; I threw the remaining pieces of the heart inside the chest. And took off my operating apron, and threw it into the bag and cleaned my face, and then picked up the rest of my equipment and put on my wet coat.  I loaded checked my loaded gun, and images of Lucy agony began to replay in my head. I guess some of her soul leaked into her heart.  It feels like a heavy headache. I take a few seconds to compose myself, and then I take my bag and exited the room 172.
When I stepped out of the Brothel the rain was slowing down.  But, no one saw me exciting the brothel and if they did the spell would make them forget in a few hours. Perhaps later on the night they will find the heartless and faceless body. But, that was still some hours away. As I drove across the Golden Gate I saw something like a star failing from the sky, but I felt like if a soul that was stronger than the one I had just picked up passed me by, I almost crashed against a pickup truck. Then, I opened my bag and felt the silver canister in my hands and I smiled.  Probably it was just my tired mind playing tricks on me. Now I had to plan in ways to slowly enjoy the soul, like a fine wine. Perhaps I will drink it once in a while, not too eager to know what went on when I lost track of Lucy, but I am certainly curious.

Napa, yes…  yes it will be my next destination. Perhaps, I will eat a bit of Lucy soul with some aged wine and some fine cheese.


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