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Norashe: Before the Storm

Robyn Sinful
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
Book I
                “Fools say that they never make mistakes but the road is paved with their corpses. For we all make mistakes in one way or another. It is human nature after all. Denying our mistakes is like denying we exist. This I have learned in my solitude.” – The Stone Prisoner.
Chapter I
                Sunsets were always a nostalgic time for Robyn Sinful. Some of her most painful memories can be pointed to those sunsets in the other roads she had traveled. The last painful sunset that played in her mind as she was when she lost her left hand. Well, not exactly lost but she it stopped being useful it would just not move any more. Like a dead limb, she felt nothing but emptiness in that side. But the memories still hurt.  Her body still remembered the agony of the powerful sorcery that stroke that hand. It was an infernal summer day when that terrible fight happened. There Robyn was guarding the daughter of the Roble’s family, Eliza Robles and her child little Sebastian.  When everything went wrong.

                The enormous mansion alongside the White Sand beach was quiet. It was too quiet for Robyn and she decided to check the grounds. The guards were drinking cold ale and joking around with their armor half off. Robyn dressed in all black from head to toe was asked if she needed that much clothes. The typical guard jokes. She ignored them and fell the air too he
avy. She stopped and looked around. Suddenly the sky was too gray in this sunny day and the bird had quiet. Robyn at once tapped her ancient staff on the ground to probe with a scanning spell and as she did so a bolt came out of the air and almost hit her head. She dodged and the guards began screaming from the other side of the courtyard as the Fallen began to jump from the tall mansion walls. Teeth bearing and in all fours. Dark monstrosities with short dark wings and hissing sounds as their tongues scanned the air.  Their empty eye sockets streaming with red tears scanned the body’s heats, Robyn knew and she began to send shield spells and attacking the Fallen as more and more appeared. At once she remembered about little Sebastian and Ms. Eliza. More lightning bolts flew over her head and she was able to see them before they hit her. A wall broke on the other side of the courtyard and more Fallen poured in. Worried she hurried to Eliza and little Sebastian. When Robyn arrived where she had left them they were not there.
                Robyn probed the place again. With her head pulsating like a beating heart she found them hidden in the little library. She bolted for that place as a fallen salivating saw her and made for her. She sent a ball of fire in its direction and it hit the beast in the chest setting it afire. Sweat pouring from her head she hurried. Robyn called out to Eliza and told her to stay where she was. More fallen were coming after her. Robyn closed the doors in the little reception area before the library and whispered shield after shield. The doors shook as the fallen threw themselves into the barrier. Then she began to feel a witch incantation hit the barrier with such force that Robyn was thrown back as the wooden door exploded.  Snaring the fallen poured in with their arched backs and salivating mouths. A hooded woman holding a black staff stepped forward and the fallen stayed still.
                The woman lowered her hood and revealed a long haired witch with bright red hair and green eyes that smiled at Robyn and laughed as she shoot another way of lightning bolts towards her.  Robyn reflected the wave of spells one after another. The witch looked surprised and began to relentlessly send wave after wave of different spells of fire and light. Robyn kept getting pushed back. She felt worried for Eliza and little Sebastian that she could feel trembling behind the library doors.  The witch began to get upset Robyn noticed and she began to get serious. An expected wave surging from the ground hit Robyn full in the face as the floor formed fist that hit her from side to side.  The expensive wood and chairs broke at once. Blood poured from Robyn sides and cheeks. Robyn used the shield that she did not want to use. The shield of life.
                Robyn put her staff against her bleeding cheek and the blood that poured into it began to crystalize forming a shield in front of Robyn.  The attacks from the invisible ground monster began to slow as it hit the shield of life. Robyn began to feel weaken as more blood poured into the now iron red shield that protected her. The witch now sent the fallen forward and with their long and sharp claws they went up the roof and passed her with almost no effort.  Robyn realized her mistake of using such shield, she was not able to move as the fallen began to throw themselves against the library doors.
                The witch raised her staff and toxic fumes began to pour out of the tip of the staff. A green mist began to form all around her. Robyn at once lowered her shield of life and as she raised her staff spells flew in every direction towards the walls and roof. Big holes exploded into them and the green mist began to pour out. Robyn sent a wave of lightning towards that fallen that were pounding on the door and they went still at once as their brains fried.  The witch took advantage of this to send a wave of air so strong that Robyn was pushed of her feet and the library door exploded into pieces.  There Eliza was shielding Sebastian with her body and an ancient shield was on her left hand.  Robyn felt her world shake under her as the witch sent a ball of fire towards them. Unable to stop the witch Robyn saw everything in slow motion as the ball flew through the air. Imagining the worst Robyn closed her eyes, and when she opened them she saw as the ball of fire was reflected by the shield Eliza was holding. The ball bounced towards the shelves of ancient books and at once everything was in fire.
                Suffocating smoke full of blackness and red filled the library as the witch began to prepare another spell. Robyn with her weak state she used her reserve energy to use the spell from her staff. Every staff had a secret spell, a last resort since it was the last one that staff would ever use. Robyn’s mind flew open the connection between her and her staff. One and the same. The Lion staff. The last gift of her grandmother in that rainy afternoon. When in her dying bed her grandmother gave it to her. She told her the secret of the staff. A white wood staff not as fancy as some other mages used but it was her grandmother’s staff. Robyn felt her grandmother with her as she held that staff. At once an ear piercing roar poured out of the staff and an enormous lion appeared in front of Robyn.
                The witch stunned with her green eyes now almost dark recoiled. The Lion looked back at Robyn with the big yellow eyes and nodded. The witch shield herself as the Lion jumped forward. But she kept getting pushed back as the piercing roars penetrating that shield. Blood pouring from her ears the witch broke the wall and stumbled out into the courtyard. Where the bodies of the guards laid slain and the fallen devoured them with a fever appetite. Robyn felt like vomited at that. Surprised the fallen hurried to shield the witch but the Lion killed them from right to left with a flash. Rain began pouring as the sun was setting. The drenched witch knelt on the floor and at once red flames began dancing around her as she drew spell after spell on the ground with her blood. Robyn at never seen so many blood spells being performed with such skill and speed. She felt her heart beating faster and faster. She was afraid for Lion and even more if her last chance to save Eliza and little Sebastian.
                The half devoured bodies began to fly from everywhere to the center of the courtyard. The pile of bodies from the fallen and the guards formed a small mountain. At once the fires around the witch shot forward into that pile and what happened next was something Robyn would never ever forget. The bodies began to melt into a mass of melting bones and fresh. The aroma made her throw up as she held to the door. Lion stood still under the weight of that sorcery. The mass of bodies slowly began to take shape into a beast. The cry that came from the mass of bodies was that of a child just born as a head formed and then the big arms and the beast continued to grow. Robyn was kneeling and shaking. It was a stuff of legends she had read in some of her old grandmother books. A ghoul. Eliza came to her side with the shield in front of her and little Sebastian shaking under her arm held to her. Robyn wanted to scream for them to run away. To run. But she knew deep in her heart that it was no use.  She had failed to protect her best friend Eliza.
She that played with her when Clarissa Robles and Captain Robles rescued her from the caravan of travelers that had her in chains. “The Wonder Girl” they called her show where she performed “magic tricks” making fireballs fly in the air and forming the words the audience wanted. The caravan had found her wondering in the Wastelands with her ashen face and dirty clothes. After her grandmother had died she tried many spells of resurrection but they all failed and her mind half broken because of the intense use of magic with such little training. Robyn was nothing more than a doll that did magic as she was beaten senseless if she did not did as she was asked. Eliza saw this when she wanted to talk to that little girl that had written her name in the air with the magic fireballs.  At once Eliza ran for her father that single handed killed all the caravan guards and the owner that tried to get in his way. Captain Robles with his warm gray eyes and long white hair held Robyn in his arms and carried the thin thing over to the awaiting carriage.  There Clarissa put a warm blanket over Robyn’s shoulders and embraced her. Eliza offered her a cloth doll that was beautifully stitched with golden threads and silver buttons. Robyn for the first time smiled and tears rolled down her face.  As the months passed she recovered her memory and she steeled herself to ask Captain Robles that was cleaning his sword if they could go back to the Waste Lands and get the staff her grandmother left to her. The Captain smiled and said that sure and that they could make a family trip out of it. The next week they all went enormous carriage guarded by a few infantry from the Royal Army. Robyn was at once hit by how devastated the Waste Lands really were as the borders of the Norashe Empire were left behind. Emptiness and chaos ruled the roads and if it had not been for the strong guards they would have certainly died. She was ashamed for having been so selfish and asking the Captain to help her. But Clarissa hugged her and told her that if it was something precious and dear to her the Captain would go to the end of Earth to get for them. When they arrived in the little village where Robyn Sinful had lived most of her childhood life it was empty and it was as if a tornado had passed through. Broken houses and wild creatures roamed there now. She was worried that the staff but be long gone. But when they arrived the little house was still there standing. The Captain said he felt a strong magic field protecting the little house and when opened her eyes behind her tears she saw that he was right. Once Robyn touched the door it opened and the shield was gone. She wondered if she had put such shield and she probably had since she had no memories of that time. Then she remembered she had left the corpse of her grandmother just there unburied. But, when she opened the door to the little bedroom they both shared there was nothing but dust and the staff covered in spider webs on the side of the bed.  Confused Robyn looked from side to side. But there was no sign of the body. Maybe in her madness she had turned the body into ash. The spell books still laid there half open and covered in dried tears and blood.  Robyn held the white staff in a firm grip and at once felt the soul of her grandmother with her as if she was by her side. They took most of the books and instruments back with them then set the little house afire. Well it was Robyn that surprised them by waving her staff and at once a big bird of fire appeared from the air engulfing the little house into a last embrace.
Robyn shook and self and looked at the witch with her long blue eyes and she held to her staff with all her heart. The rain continued to pour as the sun was setting and she stood firm shielding Eliza and little Sebastian. It was all or nothing she knew it. Robyn Sinful tapped the floor with the staff and Lion roared into the fallen and the witch as he felt Robyn’s rage. The beautiful Lion transformed into a lion of fire and just as big as the ghoul that was coming out of the mass of bodies. The giants crashed in a fierce attack as jaws and big fist crashed in the air. Tears rolled down Robyn’s cheeks and she shouted once again a shower of lightning hit the witch and the fallen. The earth shook and the witch snared. The beast and Lion continued their fight and the witch tired as Robyn tapped the ground with such force that that earth shook and began to break apart if a big explosion had happened. Afire the witch clothes disappeared and she transformed into a being of fire. Robyn quickly pushed Eliza and little Sebastian to the side and she took hold of that shield that Eliza had dropped.  With left hand she held the white staff and with her right hand she shielded herself. The witch now with her transformation threw spell after spell of fire without the need for incantation or staff as she made her way to Robyn. Lion tried to stop her as he was getting free of the ghoul but the ghoul grabbed Lion by the tail and send him flying over to the side. The witch smiled and from her fingertips lighting erupted hitting Robyn’s shield with a strong kick. Robyn felt the shield almost breaking, but she continued to holding to it. Then she felt everything go white as the white staff took over for her. Colorful spells and unknown to her began to pour out of it. As if it was being controlled by someone else. Behind her now almost burry vision Robyn was able to see or imagine her grandmother there with her long white hair and bright smile conjuring spell after spell. 
The transformed witch was pushed back and back as the spell hit her straight on. The foolish witch thought she was untouchable. But she was proven wrong. Distracted Robyn did not see as a fallen leaped from the roof and it was too late when she reacted as Eliza screamed and the fangs of the fallen penetrated her left arm. Agony like she never felt before she felt her soul screaming. The witch shook herself and stood there laughing as she shoot a strong spell of pink light that killed the fallen and almost Robyn’s whole arm if it had not being for her quick reaction to shield the other wave that was coming behind that pink spell. She felt her body go numb and everything went white as she collapsed to the floor. She heard shouts at the distance and felt her staff break as Lion died in the pouring rain as his last bite at the ghoul’s neck killed both.
When Robyn opened her eyes she was in a tent with Eliza holding her hand and little Sebastian sleeping at the foot of the makeshift bed.  Eliza opened her eyes and Robyn Sinful smiled. They were alright but tears rolled down her face. She knew in her heart that her grandmother was now gone forever. Her broken staff laid on the top of the table.  She asked Eliza what happened after she passed out, and she told her that Captain Robles arrived just in time after the drill with a full squad of tired young soldiers but the witch then just evaporated into the air as Captain Robles unsheathed his Holy Sword.  Eliza also said that she was very thankful for having saved their lives and she was sorry about the heavy price she had to pay for that. Eliza just nodded to the broken staff. Robyn felt like crying again but held her tears and remembered that her grandmother had been with her and had protected her. She felt warm and happy in a strange way.
It was also a Sunset when she said goodbye to Eliza, little Sebastian and to the Captain as Robyn parted for her search of the witch that almost killed her and her family. Captain Robles insisted that she took a few companions with her. He said they were one of the most promising ones and that they needed seasoning and that they a little adventure would them good before sending them off to the Holy War. Robyn Sinful felt shy to be accompanied by such a force but she could not say no to the Captain. He would make stone giant kneel and be grateful for the privilege. She felt loved and with a purpose as she led her little squad forward.
Dean Smithfield with his short white hair and green eyes was left in charge of the little squad. Well they all needed to follow Robyn’s orders but he was the sword and shield for her. With his strong jaw and youthful smile made most ladies melt. But it was not Robyn’s type. She made it clear to him the first day out in the journey. Robyn had a witch to kill and everything else was second.
Elias Palmer with his shy smile and long sword on his back was the cook of the company. He was always quiet but for the most part that was what Robyn liked about him. He complained about nothing and his quiet made for good company when Robyn was tired of hearing Abraham Tayler and Dean, fight about the most insignificant things.
Abraham with his long blonde hair. Not yet white like many of the Holy Knights. He was the joker of the little company or he thought. With his sexist jokes and colorful comments. And there was Patricia Evergreen with her flirting nature. She did lead on Dean and Abraham for that matter, but she kept them in line with her short daggers when she was with them. She was more of a scout and a lone wolf.
Almost a full squad for this mission of hers. Robyn Sinful was grateful for the help but her hand still hurt after the six months they had been in the road with almost no success.  “Where are the witches?” was a question that early on attracted unnecessary attention and more because of the almost Holy Knights that accompanied her a hooded woman hiding her long reddish hair and blue eyes. Patricia was able to melt a little better among the drunks and whores that had the most to say. But, rumors and cold trails is all they got for their troubles. It is not to say that the little squad did not have its fair share of killing. Bandits and deserters tried their hand at them for a quick imperial coin or two or in the case of the deserters so they would not be found out. But every time Dean Smithfield and Patricia Evergreen were merciless. There was nothing worse than leaving the war for fear and laziness that was their saying after they had killed that veteran with the faraway look or the drunk one that wasted their days between bottles and false tales of heroic deeds.
Robyn felt tired as the warmness of the day continued to pound her head. Her headache and hand ache continued to get worse as they continued to climb the Cerro Grande. Dean was wasting his water by pouring it all over his reddish head and Elias was dozing off in his gray mare. Abraham had even stopped talking and that was a miracle. Robyn looked at them concerned. She looked off at the distance there was sign of Patricia returning. She was worried. Cerro Grande was a dangerous place as it got late. The brownish landscape continued and she knew it will be her new view from now on. They were entering the Wastelands. She and her little company had dreaded this path but there was nowhere to search any more but in the heart of the beast as Patricia said one night. 
Back home Robyn had said half joking. But she felt the dread. It felt too soon to see those wasted lands once again. It was said that it was once called Lilian. A land full of beauty and magic. Real magic not words in the air by a simple spell of fire. The city of the mages, old Evergood. Where elf mages had the tree of life inside the college of mages. There the mages studied old and new magic alongside the other races. When Robyn was little she imagined the mages there laughing and playing in the ever flowing falls of light with their minions. Her grandmother told her that mages used to have creatures of magic that accompanied them everywhere but as the corruption spread through the wastelands it became too dangerous to have those magic creatures out in the open and one by one they were crystalized into the staffs.  But that was in the very old days her grandmother had told her when she asked if she had one of those creatures.  But her grandmother just looked into her eyes and said that sadly no. But Robyn felt she was hiding something from her.  Perhaps Lion had been one of her grandmother’s creatures that was imprisoned into the staff. But Robyn did not want to think about that for now.
The Sun was setting over the horizon and a tired horses where walking slower. It was time for camping and way for the morrow to go in search of Patricia. “What do you think happened to her?” Robyn asked.
“Not sure, but it is not like her to not return to us.” Dean said scanning the desolated landscape and as he lead his tall black stallion forward.
Robyn took out her wand. One of her old wands she had before she became so fan of the staff. But she was stopped by Abraham. “No magic here.”
Robyn looked back at him with fury.
“He is right Robyn. We do not know what is out there.” Dean said sniffing, “I can smell something foul in the air.”
“That is you not showering in the last three days,” Abraham said joking.
“No,” he said pausing. “I do not know I feel some tinkling sensation as if something was watching us.” He said and stood still with his back straight and closing his eyes. An arrow broke the silence as it flew through the air. At once Dean broke it before it hit his beautiful stallion with his shield and shouted for everyone to get in cover.
Robyn felt left hand throbbing as if it had been set on fire. More arrows. Robyn held to her wand and her shield. The one Eliza had given her. It was an awkward holding but it was better than nothing and she had become used to holding the shield on her useless left hand. Now the aroma that Dean was perceiving earlier hit her in strong. Like a group of dirty wet dogs. Ever approaching. Robyn and her little company were losing the precious light. The war horses stood still. There was nothing for them to do but to follow the lead.
A howl broke off at the distance and Robyn felt her skin shiver.  More howls closing in and more and more. She knew they were surrounded.  A tall tanned man stepped out of the trees and with shoeless feet he made earth shake a little.
“Drop your weapons and no harm will come to you.” He said in a commanding voice and more figures emerged from the trees. Wolves and man snaring.
“Do you think we are fools?” Dean asked and signaled Abraham and Elias to shield Robyn.
“I do not have to think. You are fools for coming to Cerro Grande.” He pointed out and moved forward.
Robyn knew they were too many for her little company but they would die fighting and besides she was a mage. She could take a few with her.
“Do not even think about it Witch.” The man said looking straight into Robyn’s eyes with his long yellow and black eyes.
“Watch who you call a Witch!!” She answered angrily.
“Mage, witch, warlord or whatever. I do not care.” He said moving forward faster than his body let on. “You reek of magic. I do not like it.” The rest of his company snared and a few of the wolves growled.
“You do not know who you are crossing old man.” Dean said moving his hand to his sword. At once the old man was on top of him. Dean pushed him off and the Holy Sword shone like a sun light. The wolves recoiled into the darkening shadows. The old man growled like a wolf and at once his face transformed into that of a wolf and soon he was in all fours with saliva dripping and fangs out and the pack encircled Robyn’s little company. Robyn thought it was it. They were going to die. All because of Dean’s little act of pride.
A voice from above the trees broke the tension. “Stop it Carlos. Do not be foolish.” An elf jumped from the tree with a bow between his hands. “Don’t you see it is a Holy Sword, and it could get bloody all for simple stupidity.” The elf spat to the side and dropped his bow and arrows to the ground.
“What is an elf doing around this lands?” Abraham asked sweating.
“What are some trainees doing with such powerful swords and a mage to boot?” The elf asked back smiling and sitting on the ground.
“It is none of your business.” Dean said still holding his sword.
“Bah.” The elf said spitting again. “Everyone just relax. This does not need to get bloody. I got four bows pointing at all of you and there is a witch on her way.”  The elf said as if he was telling the time.
Robyn felt those four elves hiding between the trees and a powerful sorcerer coming faster than she could imagine. “He is right Dean. Let’s see if we can negotiate.” Robyn said lowering her shield and wand.
“Now that is a good girl.” The Elf said standing and dusting off his leggings. “Mages always so diplomatic.”
“Let’s just kill them Spike.” Carlos said growling.
“Do not be so hasty little Carlos.” Spike said smiling. “We can negotiate first as young woman said.”
“What do you want of us?” Robyn asked cautiously.
“I thought I already asked what I wanted. You must be deaf and dumb as well. What are you doing around this border?” Spike asked cleaning his long hears with his pinky finger.
“We going to the Waste Lands. There is someone we looking for.” Robyn said without pausing.
“Ah, isn’t it the case. We are always looking for someone.” Spike said looking at the yellowish stuff that came out of his ear.
“It is a witch.” Robyn said then continued after a brief silence from everyone. “She has bright red hair and green eyes. Tall and looks young but she must be at least two hundred years old. She has a few fallen following her around.”
“Ah, I was going to say red hair witch description was not going to be helpful since a lot from over there.” He said pointing to the other side of Cerro Grande, “most of them have red hair like yours.” The elf said laughing. “Anyway I think our friend witch that is coming might know a little about who you talking about. After all between you witches it would be easier.” He said laughing and spitting once again.
Robyn snared. But remained quiet.
Dean said with his back straight and commanding voice that he had been practicing since the journey began. “But, what is that you really want Mr. Spike?”
“Ah, nothing escapes you young knight.” He said walking around Robyn’s little company. “It turns out we are also looking for someone.”
“Do not tell them boss.” Carlos said growling.
“You be quiet.” The elf said and Carlos stayed still like a trained dog. “I am sorry for the interruption from this brute. We are looking for a fair lady long ears and a foxy tail.”  He said smiling. “It is not joke Sir.” He said pointing a finger at Abraham.
“I am sorry but that is just funny description of someone.” Abraham said unable to stop.  
Robyn felt something flashback in her memories. Back to those terrible caravan days and the whippings from the caravan master. He did not like mages either but he said it was a necessary sacrifice for some imperial coins for the starving caravan. Anger began to show in Robyn’s face. “What do you want with her?” She asked almost shouting.
“It is none of your business and as I can see she is not among you.” Spike said pausing and crackling, “well we knew the moment we fired the first arrow. She would have stopped all of them at once not need for pathetic shields. But I was curious.” He said and spitted.
“Well she is not with us good Sir.” Dean said relaxing.
“Would you let us go now?” Robyn asked cautiously.
“No so fast. For all I know you could have left her in that old town full of drunk miners and shady guards.” He said sitting on top of Carlos that just growled under his breath.
“Look, we never leave anyone behind and much less someone that would need our help.” Dean said.
“And if she wanted our protection from you would not have caught us unprepared.” Robyn added.
“Do not make laugh girl.” Spike said and in a flash was pointing a dagger over Robyn’s neck.
“Boo!” He said and laughed as he stepped away. “As you can see you still amateurs. I knew right away from the way you stood there like sniffing the air. You are some sort of dogs or something?” He asked amusingly, and laughed pointing at the snarling wolves.
“So, what are our options to leave this alive?” Robyn asked frustrated and tired.
“We wait for the witch.” The elf said at once.
After a few seconds of silence a big beast broke out of the trees. An enormous black wolf with its tongue hanging out and a red haired woman on top of it with short top revealing too much and a staff on her right hand. The wolf lowered himself and the witch jumped from the back. Almost like a circus acrobat and her short skirt revealing much more. Abraham and Dean just stared like idiots at her. Robyn wanted to kick their behind. She bowed and her beautiful wild red hair flew down her sweaty face.
“Spike,” she said catching her breath and smiling, “I could not believe that you have captured so fine specimens. Three almost Holy Knights and a mage.” She said smiling to Dean as she traced her fingers through his armor.
The elf just laughed as Dean turned red. “You going to kill them before even speak.”
“Aw, such shy youngsters.” She said smiling at Abraham.  But he stayed silence. He better Robyn thought they were walking a fine line. It was nothing what it seemed with a witch. “Do not be so stuff dear Mage. I like girls too.” She said throwing a devious smile towards Robyn.
“Alright, you had your fun Jellrich.” Spike said lighting his pipe.
“We are just beginning boss and the night is long.” Jellrich said hugging Elias.
“The Mage is looking for someone we thought you might help them.” Spike said sending smoke rings to the sky.
“I might help and I might not depends on the payment.” She said in a business like tone different from her flirting tone.
“What is the price for your information? Witch.” Robyn asked. She was tired of all this. Sore, tired, and hungry were not helping the darkness that was engulfing all of them. It was already too late to go in the darkness and look for Patricia or let alone wood for a campfire.
“It is getting dark and I do not like being this exposed this late around these parts.” Jellrich said and they began to walk. Robyn and her little company followed and the wolves just a step behind along Spike and Abraham that now where sharing a pipe. Carlos was back in his human form. Dean and Elias followed right next to Robyn.
“So, where are you taking us?” Dean asked half conscious. His eyes still fixed on the backside of Jellrich.
“To a wild ride my love. Not right now, but later.” She said and turned to smile at him. “As for your mage I would like to have her name first.”
Elias was going to respond. But Robyn shook her head. “You can talk to me you know.”
“I know but I like making you frown you have a nice frown you know when you get upset.” Jellrich said still looking forward.
Robyn wondered how she was doing that. Maybe she frowned often enough or had during their brief exchange. “Robyn Sinful.” Robyn said dryly.
“Ah, a Sinful no wonder.” Jellrich said as if it was amusing.
“What?” Robyn asked.
“Nothing,” Jellrich answered and for a time the continued in silence with the big wolf leading the way among the trees.
“Now that you know my name would you tell me if you know something?” Robyn asked as she tried to keep up with the picking pace Jellrich was setting. It was not easy walking in the darkness and leading a war horse that wanted to gallop away from all the wolves and howls.
“All in time. So you are Robyn. The handsome guy must be Dean Smithfield and Elias Palmer.” Jellrich paused and pointed to Abraham. “And that funny man must be Abraham Tayler if I am not mistaken.”
“How do you know all this?” Robyn asked stepping to catch up with Jellrich.
“Well, your little company has left an easy trail to follow and my little birds have whispered.” Jellrich continued without looking back. “Besides, there are not many witches or mages traveling around Norashe with Holy Knights and a half-elf assassin as companions. That by the way I do not see around here.” Jellrich said making an encompassing circle in the air.
“Why would you need to follow us or our tail?” Robyn asked worried holding on to her old wand fiercely.
“There are many reasons. I imagined someone must be willing to pay for information about you, but so far it has not happened. I never thought you would be the one doing the chasing across half the Empire. She must be a witch you really want.” Jellrich said without a breaking her fast pacing.
“Mr. Spike said you would help us.” Dean said now a little more concentrated at the manner at hand.
“I will if I can. I will need a description of said witch and her spells. But not now. It is too dangerous to be doing this in the middle of this Cerro. Malignant spirits are easily attracted to our magic, as it is there a few hundred following us.”
Robyn felt them but she thought it was just her nervousness then she began to feel their hunger. She had heard of spirits devouring the spirits of mages alive as they opened themselves up for magic. The connection between nature and the mage was something holy and pure. Because without nature there were no spells possible. A mage needed to maintain a perfect balance between herself and what she asked of nature. Even Robyn at her twenty years understood the basic principle. It in her genes and violating such principle had consequences like they did when she tried the resurrection of her grandmother. She was lucky to just have lost a few of her memories and not her life. “How much further do we need to go?” Robyn asked tired.
“Not far now, just over that small bridge.” Jellrich said pointing stone bridge that crossed a fast moving river. Robyn was surprised that she had not heard it, it was loud in the silence of the night. Even Spike and Abraham had stopped joking around. In silence they crossed the bridge that shook with the weight of the enormous wolf leading the group.  Sentinels emerged from the other side of the bridge two women elf dressed in all green with their faces masked and with their bows drawn.
“Everything is alright lieutenants.  The wild roses have sung for the night and for that I say, Amen.” Spike said and the bows were lowered.
Robyn thought it was some sort of code and was concerned as to how they were going to get out of this mess. They must have guards all around the place and well trained. She had not seen the sentinels until they emerged from the shadows.
“Welcome to Camp Drybone.” Jellrich said pointing to the enormous bones that laid around. Ribs and skulls of enormous beasts. Camp fires around tents neatly formed as if they were an army. Wolves yawning and half turned man devouring piles of meat with their sharp canines. Robyn thought she had stepped into some sort of beast pit. Her horse and that of his companions went wild.
“Steve and Martin come for their horses and put them in the stable. They must be hungry too.” Spike said and two figures emerged from the shadows.
Robyn reluctantly let go of her horse.  Her beautiful white mare. Now there was no quick escape as if it ever was.
“What do you think, they going to do to us?” Elias asked whispering.
“No idea. But we better stay alert.” Dean answered and looked too calm for Robyn’s liking.
Abraham surprised Robyn and Dean as he came forward and embraced both of them and whispered. “Do not worry, they do not seem as dangerous. Spike told me this camp belongs to the princess or goddess they looking for, and you know I believe him. Not many would share an ancient pipe with anyone. Besides he is a funny and no evil person can be funny.” He said as a matter of fact.
Robyn just laughed and felt her tension leave her body just for a little bit.
Dean commented, “It might be the truth and we have nothing to worry about. But keep your eyes and ears open.”
“What are you whispering about?” Jellrich asked biting her lips.
“Nothing that concerns you.” Robyn said.
“Here we go again with that bitterness of you. But I will ignore it this time since I think is your hunger talking. We will have dinner first then we will get with the witch business.” She said and went off into the night.
“Let her be she has had not many females that have talked to her like that for a while.” Spike said from behind. “She still has not gotten over the loss of our Highness. But we will soon find her, and yes everything will be well.” He said spitting to the side.
Robyn was curious about this Highness maybe a daughter of the Emperor or something like that to have such big army searching for her. Well to Robyn it looked more like a group of bandits playing to be an army. But they looked organized enough. “When did you last see her?”
Spike took some time to respond smoking his pipe then he said with his eyes looking faraway. “It must be three months or so now. We following his nose.” He pointed to the enormous wolf that was now devouring a big bone. “He is one of the best trackers we have.  But sometimes the trail goes just cold and we have to feet on the ground to look for the Highness. We have been stuck in this Cerro Grande for going three weeks now. Our big friend says the scent has not moved from here.” He said pointing around the darkness. “It is a big place comb through but we are getting there.” Spike said sighing.

Robyn half remembered the legends of Cerro Grande. One that came most vivid to her was the old legend of there being fires of gold when the Sun was the highest in May. Farmers and their whole families would camp in the skirts of the Cerro Grande and when the Sun was rising they would spot those fires as if they were calling to them. Most often than not whole families went missing and just a few managed to find a few golden coins. Probably from some of those missing families, but more fools still insisted that there was gold to be found in the Cerro Grande. But, Robyn in one of her grandmother books had read the real story or at least she thought she had read it the real story behind the legend. It was said that witches conjured those fires to match those of the Sun and that it was a good excuse to offer blood sacrifices for year around spells that they would need or for selling them.  A few gold coins half buried a few years would bring more and more fools to find the hidden treasure and it was a clever tactic to get sacrifices without causing too much problems. Because after all who would miss poor farmers that just had bad luck getting some mythical treasure? Not many to be sure. But as the Empire expanded Holy Knights by the order of the Church began to follow the legends and that May there was an enormous bonfire of roasting witches as they burn. Curses and screams broke that bloody night. It was said that ancient spirits woke up for revenge and devoured the souls of the witches as they were burning. Robyn felt those curses and hungry souls still hungry for more souls.


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