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Norashe: Before the Storm Chapter 3

“The truth. The truth shall make you free my friend. For it is said that a true man dies in the warm embrace of mother dead. Be true, and wait for that glorious day. For we all arrive to that appointed hour. There is no delay for us truth believers.”
-Father Jopel Aguilar
  After a dinner full of festivities and endless plates of wild bison prepared in so different ways that Robyn Sinful was surprised that she could eat more than one of the enormous plates she was presented. Abraham sounded half-drunk as he continued his assault on the party of old and colorful jokes that had wolves and humans alike almost shocking on their own food.  Elias just played with his food and Dean was in deep conversation with Jellrich, but more often than not just looking down her short and revealing top.
                Robyn sat there with her eyes closed as the hall began to empty and everyone returned to their tents and probably for a peaceful night of sleep. When she opened her eyes the intense lights were dimmed and Dean shook her. “Hey are you awake?” he asked.

                Everyone looked as Robyn woke from her trance. She was just thinking nothing at all.  It was a special technique she had learned from her grandmother. First she had told her to clear her mind pushing as with a bloom everything to the side then closing the windows and doors. There in the darkness there was only her and nothing else. Doing the exercise for ten minutes was like having full four to three hours of sleep. Some mages later Robyn found out in her books called it the inner peace spell. Turning the life force into itself. Her green eyes scanned those around her and Robyn remembered where she was. “Is dinner over?” She asked yawning.
                “Yes, and is not safe to get into that deep of trance with so much people around. You reek of sorcery.” Jellrich said holding her nose.
                Robyn looked at her confused. She never thought it was something offensive. “I am sorry if I have offended your witch nose.”
                “Here we go again.” Jellrich said sighing and took another long sip from her ale cup.
                “You two stop.” Dean said and burped.
                Robyn just sighed and asked. “So, how are you going to help us Jellrich.”
                “It is simple really. I just have to conjure up the witch you looking for. I can even send her a message if you wish. But it might be dangerous.” She paused and continued looking around. “There are dangerous spirits around here in Cerro Grande, and they are more active at night. I am sure you have felt their desperation.” She shook her head. “It is not good to invoke such things with such spirits around.”
                “No just a general idea of she is would help.” Robyn said feeling her skin crawl with little ants. Of course she knew they were being watched by unknown identities.
                “Take them to your tent Jellrich.” Spike said sitting next to Abraham that was half dozing off. “I don’t want to smell that reek that foul magic you witches call conjuring.”
                “Fine, follow me Robyn and you too Dean. You can stay after we done for some sleep over.” Jellrich said giving Dean an inviting smile.
                The camp was quieter than when Robyn and her little company arrived. Laughter and drunks singing were heard at the distance. A few wolves and men whistled as Jellrich passed by and she smiled at them. Robyn guessed she was some sort of camp whore. But she kept that to herself. When they arrived at what Jellrich had called her Palace. It was an enormous tent with two guards standing guard. Two red haired elves and long eye lashes. They bowed and Jellrich invited them inside.
                Inside the tent was even more lavish. Long silk tapestry hung from the sides and a carpeted floor that formed beautiful scene of an enormous black panther with its enormous yellow eyes and the full moon overhead. In the corner of the tent there was a long golden bathtub and in the other side an enormous bed that looked too inviting for Robyn.  In the center of the tent there was a long mirror but of course Robyn knew it was no mirror. It was something witches and advanced mages used for conjuring.
                “Please sit.” Jellrich said to the mouth opening fools. “Do you want some more delicious Honey Wine, Dean?” She asked.
                Dean nodded and sat in one of the red cushions around the mirror like thing.
                “Very nice tent for a witch.” Robyn said with a bitter tone.
                “Ouch, get out of your head that we witches mostly live in the sewers and old caves. More often than not we have very good court positions and unlike you mages. We do not weight the morality of stuff. Gold and favors talk. It the only currency that is of any importance in this world.” Jellrich said dropping into another of the big red cushions smiling.
                Robyn felt a pain go through her chest. But she hid it well. She needed this witch help to find that witch that had almost killed Eliza and little Sebastian.
                “We can use that bathtub later my dear.” Jellrich said to Dean. “You look tired and I can give you a massage like you never had before.”
                “Can we please get at the matter at hand?” Robyn asked exhausted. “I will leave you both alone after this is over.”
                “Fine. But, I just wanted to spare you some of you pain as well. You reek, we might leave you some of the left over water.” Jellrich laughed into her cup as she handed another cup of honey wine to Dean.
                “Ladies do not fight for me. I am plenty for both.” Dean said sounding half proud.
                Robyn sighed. “Alright, what is that you need from me to get this going?”
                “Let me see you left hand first.” Jellrich said reaching for Robyn hand before she had said anything. “Ah I see. Very interesting.” She said as she studied the now almost purple hand. Robyn did not feel much pain. She felt nothing. Jellrich said an incantation and her hand began to shoot jolts of pain up and down her arm as if a thousand jolts of lights were running to her head. Robyn flinched, but Jellrich held to her hand firmly. “Stay still.” She said as she continued with another spell that drilled more and more into Robyn’s hand.
                “What are you doing?” Robyn asked with tears rolling down her face.
                Jellrich felt at once as if an invisible hand got hold of her. An iron grip coming out of Robyn’s left hand. Her vision began to turn dark as the pain intensified. Purple tentacles of smoke began coming out of the interlocked hands, and Jellrich began to feel powerful forces converging. She knew it was something dangerous to be happening in such cursed place as Cerro Grande. She tried to break free but she was unable. Spell after spell she tried did not work.
                Dean noticed Jellrich and Robyn struggle with something. Robyn’s eyes were closed rolling with tears and Jellrich had her beautiful face now contorted with desperation. Something was happening Dean knew he drew his Holy Sword and it came alive at once. The purple smoke that coming out of Jellrich and Robyn’s interlocked hands hissed as they touched the holy light emitting from the sword.
                Robyn opened her eyes, but they were not hers Jellrich somehow knew. At once the spirit possessing Robyn spoke. “Let us be witch!” it said as thousands of voices spoke at once.
                Jellrich tried to break the connection but it continued strong. She tried to scream to Dean to use his sword to cut their arms if it was needed. It was too dangerous, but she was unable to speak as if something was sealing her mouth.
                “Do not think you can get free of us so easy. We have waiting for this forever. We are coming.” The ground began to shake and the lights flickered. “We are coming. It is our time.” Lighting at the distance broke the darkness of the night. A strong breeze entered the tent and outside screams and shouts began to erupt. The voices laughed into the echoing connection.
                Dean tried to take Robyn and Jellrich apart but it was not working it was as if they had being glued. He heard the screams outside and he felt his sword vibrate. Something evil was coming he knew. He stood in front of Robyn and Jellrich. The wind picked up and the tent was lifted into the air by a strong wind. Outside everything was in chaos.  The bones from the enormous beasts were coming animated as if they were being resurrected and skeletons were coming out of the buried ground. More and more skeletons broke out. They killed at once with half crackling laughs that echoed. He saw Abraham fighting a few of the skeletons alongside Elias that killed them with his big sword.
                Jellrich stared into the eyes that once had been Robyn’s they were dark and full of malice. Ancient eyes that looked into her panicking face. “She tried to stop us. But we were not there for her, not for her. But it would have to do.” The thousand echoing voices said laughing. “A powerful White Mage and a powerful Witch. What a perfect link, and better than we had hoped for.” The voices said and the ground continued to shake as rain began to fall and the cries of her dying friends continued. 
                Robyn inside her head felt as thousands of spells were hitting her full on. Voices and voices laughed inside her skull as they tried to devour her. But she shielded herself with all her might. She did not know where this place was. It was dark and she felt the raising water around her feet. She ran. She knew she was not safe there just standing. She heard footsteps splash the water more and more were coming for her she knew. Soon she found a path leading up and up. She run for it and the path soon had stairs thousands of stairs leading up and up. She made her way up as the water and the footsteps chased after her. She could see the light at the top of the stairs. In her panic she had forgotten she still had her ancient wand with her and at once when she noticed the wand she shoot up a spell of light that illuminated the whole place. She regretted her decision at once.
                Thousands of skulls moved from side to side crackling along the walls of the cavern she was in.  Fallen were chasing her. She saw their dark figures almost fly over the rising dark water. She continued to climb up and up. The stairs seemed to get longer and longer as she continued to climb. Perhaps to salvation or to something worse but it did not matter she did not want to be in this pit any more. More skeletons were breaking free of the walls that had held them there for so long. The stair steps began to get slippery and she felt once and twice but she managed to get up.  From the shadows dark hands with sharp fingernails wanted to grab her.
                The steps shifted under Robyn’s feet and now she was standing in another place. An enormous tree stood tall and beautiful full of pink flowers that showered the green. Under the tree a man with his eyes closed and a red coat smiled as Robyn approached. “It is good to see you but it is not time yet.” The man said opening long black eyes and smiling at Robyn.
                Robyn looked at him from head to toe. The man looked familiar and she felt her heart beat faster and faster but she just asked. “What is this place?” She asked.
                “A powerful White Mage like you should know. Or they do not teach you about the Sanctuary anymore in your college?” He asked getting up.
                “There has been no college for at least two hundred years.” Robyn answered scanning the place again. It did look like something sacred. Maybe it was really a sanctuary.
                “Oh.” He said dusting off the many pink flowers that kept showering from the tree. “I must had have a very long nap.” He said yawning and stretching. “You must return at once. Your body is being used by malignant spirits.” He said as if he was telling the water was boiling.
                Robyn panicked and tried to remember what happened before this strange like dream. There she was with Jellrich trying to find the witch that had almost killed Eliza and little Sebastian. “How do I return?”  She asked looking down at her wand.
                The tall pale man walked towards her and pushed her forehead. At once Robyn was back at her body and she was not sure if she had woken up since there was a nightmare around her. Fire and chaos was all around her. There Jellrich laid in the arms of a worried Dean that was covered in blood. Confused Robyn got up and she noticed her left hand was pulsating and she felt as if a hot iron was pressing against her. She took a deep breath and with her wand began to send spell after spells like in a trance around the camp. The bones turned to ash and the rain stopped.  Drenched she knelt before Jellrich that still had her eyes closed. Dean looked up at her with his beautiful green eyes. But, they now full of sadness and fury. She knew it.
                Elias and Abraham at once arrived at her side and Spike knelt before Jellrich caressing her wet face with his long hands. “Is she alive?” Elias asked.
                “She is. She just passed out.” Robyn said after she finished a spell scanning Jellrich.
                “What happened here?” Abraham asked kicking at the mess of the tent.
                Robyn closed her eyes and tried to remember. But there was nothing besides the tall man pushing her forehead and that dark pit. She never wanted to return to such pit ever again. But she wanted to return to that enormous tree. There she felt in peace and happy. “I have no idea.” Robyn said getting up and walking into the ashes of the fallen.
                Jellrich stood before a portal. There she was naked and covered in blood.  Purple skulls and tongues laughed as the portal kept stirring. A dark hooded figure stepped out of the portal and long skeletal hands lifted into the air as the portal disappeared. “Well met Witch.” The hooded figure said stepping forward.
                Jellrich stood in silence.
                “You might have many questions. But there is so little time. We require your assistance. Soon He will be awake. He already walks this world but he is not yet awake.  Once he is awake we need him with us. Not with them.” The hooded figure said.
                “Who?” Jellrich asked curiously.
                “The Son of an Archangel and of someone from this realm.” The hooded figure said and pointed a bony finger to Jellrich chest. “Become friends with Robyn and her little company. Assist them and what you wished for we shall grant.” The figure said and laughed.
                “Why would I do that?” Jellrich said furious.  She never trusted hooded figures and much less something that was being so deceiving she felt it in her bones. She just needed herself for whatever she needed. What did she wish for? Nothing much really but a good laid and some ale as she numbed herself into a deep sleep. What would such stranger know of her? There was certainly nothing she would want from someone so powerful.  But, she was nevertheless curious.
                “I see that you have doubts.”  The figure said and from the air an enormous coffin came forward and once it opened inside there was an ancient stuff. Jellrich recognized the staff. It was one of the firsts staffs made out of the sacred tree. It beamed with powerful magic that was both ancient and for all she knew long forgotten. She could become a powerful witch with that, but she was afraid somehow. The offer was too tempting.
                “What is the price for this?” Jellrich said holding the precious staff and feeling as it had always belonged to her. The staff and her felt as one.
                “Nothing.” The figure said smiling. “It is just a one of our gifts as good faith.” The hooded figure once again lifted its hands and the portal opened once again. “Just become the best of friends with Robyn Sinful.”  And before Jellrich could ask any more questions the figure had stepped into the portal and she opened her eyes. She was on top of the dining table. Dean was by her side praying and she felt her heart almost melting.  No witch deserved such prayers.
                Jellrich felt tears rolling down her eyes. Dean smiled and kissed her. “Such a fool boy.” She said and felt her right hand bandaged.
                Dean looked and said, “Robyn healed it was all red and half broken.”
                Jellrich still saw the images of the hooded creature behind her eyelids.  “Where is she?”
                “She went to help heal rests.” Dean said smiling.
                “She did not look that strong to me last time I saw her.” Jellrich said.
                “That’s what we thought but after she returned from her small walk she was smiling and had already healed half the camp when she returned to us.” Dean said with a sigh.
                Jellrich remained silent. She wondered what had happened to Robyn after those things had possessed her. So she was one of those White Mages of old. Many of those mages had become witches when the corruption happened. But that had been a long time ago and it was said that were extraordinary healers and powerful war mages that when deployed into a war field they devastated everything soldiers and land alike. That’s mostly why the war had been lost in Lillian and now it was the Waste Lands.  Jellrich wondered if the hooded creature had anything to do with the corruption but she felt it in her gut. She would need to warn Robyn, but it would be dangerous. Since it was obvious that they were very powerful to make the death return. It was a scary thought that there would soon be war like this land had never seen before. She hoped the Holy Knights and whoever this person that was soon to be awaken was enough to change the fate of the world. The son of an Archangel and an ordinary woman. Or perhaps not so ordinary and Robyn was in the middle of it. She would need to investigate a little more about Robyn Sinful. Maybe she was keeping a secret. And there was still the manner of finding the Highness.
                “Everything alright?” Dean asked concerned.
                Jellrich nodded and closed her eyes once again.
                Robyn Sinful stood tired the fires had died down and the agonic cries had stopped. She held herself on the side of a big tree truck and sighed. “We still need to burn the death.” Robyn said to Elias.
                “We can do that. But you should go take a rest.” Elias said sounding concerned.
                Robyn bit her tongue she was getting tired of them thinking she was fragile. She felt stronger than before now she was able to move her left hand fingers and it felt well. She still did not have the full hand function but whatever Jellrich had done she was grateful for it. In her walk to the darkness she had discovered she could move her fingers and she almost cried in joy. There might have been something good coming out of this massacre and sad night she thought.  The images of the tall man still hunted her mind. Who was he? And why did he seem so familiar?
                “Do not exhaust yourself little mage.” A familiar voice from above the tree said.
                It was Spike, Robyn knew and sighed. “I am not so little, Mr. Elf.” She said tired.
                “Ah, that’s what I deserve I think.” Spike said getting down from the tree. “It is said in my lands that when the full moon turns red and owls cry is time to run. But, tonight we did the almost impossible thanks to you.” Spike said sighing. “We could all have been killed.” He paused and continued. “No need to say anything. We had smelled it in the hair and we did not heed to our instincts.”
                Robyn raised an eye brow.
                “Yes, but our blind faith that we would be alright obscured our minds.” He pointed to the devastated camp. “You see we have been in this tireless search but we have not taken the time to rest and get our wits back. I knew it was a bad idea to spend too much time in this Cerro. There are legends that claim that it can drive someone mad if one spends too much time on it. But, we still need to find her you know?” He asked.
                “Who exactly is she? I do not think the Emperor would have a daughter with a foxy tail.” Robyn said holding her laugh.
                Spike sighed and asked, “Do you want the long version or the short?”
                “I guess the short one would have to do for now.” Robyn said sitting on the ground and rested her back against the tree trunk.
                “Very well.” He said sitting and lighting his pipe. “She is the Goddess of the harvest.”
                Robyn looked at him confused.
                “I am not really good with tales but I shall tell the best I can. Long time ago in the long ago, human farmers prayed to heavens for rain and for a good harvest. But, there was a drought for almost three years and no rain had come. Despaired the human farmers laid fire to their dried fields and cursed the heavens for not listening to their prayers.  The fire spread out of control and it got into the Elf lands. The Elf Kings and Queens were ready for war with the humans when one of our mages intervened.
                She stood in the middle of the war council and said she had a solution. She told them about her plan and at once the Kings and Queens agreed. Ten days later a clay figure was in the middle of the Sacred Elf gardens made with sorcery and holy soil. The mage read from an ancient elf book and the clay began to turn red and then it cracked. From there a naked girl with long ears and a long tail walked smiling.  The most beautiful sight the elves had ever seen they knelt and she knelt with them. The girl was at once trained in the language of humans and elves. She absorbed knowledge like a sponge and more and more she began to learn ancient magic and it was always of the purest kind.
                Soon she would presented to the humans as their new goddess. But, the Elf mages that had gotten attached to the girl were concerned. They knew some humans were corrupt and might try to do harm to such innocent girl. So, they began to create legends about her. The Goddess of the Harvest.  Rumors spread fast as they always did and soon everyone was making altars and praying to her. It was arranged that she would just appear to a few farmers that were in the most need or when would walk naked the fields of wheat and corn. The witnesses that said that saw her described her as a beautiful girl with long silver hair that shone under the full moon and later their harvest was as full as their wildest dreams.
                Prosperity and happiness reigned in that region. That was before the Norashe Empire had the war with the Elf kingdoms and that’s when they decided to withdraw the Goddess of the Harvest from the field. It was too dangerous. Bored she roamed the beautiful gardens but soon she grew bored. She escaped during the full moon nights. She would return half scrapped but still smiling. We lost her for a long time when the war was at it fiercest.  We were worried that we had lost her forever but she later returned with an army of werewolves that protected her fiercely. That’s when my company and I were said to go with her. Because we knew once she made friends it was hard to separate her from them.”
                “I heard about the harvest Goddess. But never thought it was an Elf creation.” Robyn commented.
                “We had many creations. Some that we are proud and others that we are not.” Spike said sighing.
                Spike said sounding a little bit sad. “When we lost her three months ago it was a full moon.” He said pausing. “She got out of the camp naked as always but did not return. But, by then we had recruited some of the best’s scouts that always kept track of her. When we found them with their throat cut and that’s when we began to search for her.” He said looking tired.
                “I thought she was really powerful.” Robyn said.
                “She is, but one thing she would not do is hurt humans or any animal for that manner. She can make rocks harvest juicy fruit but she somehow cannot hurt anything living.” He said sighing.
                Robyn thought about it. In some way it did make sense. A creature that could not hurt anyone but just create would make a good goddess if there was such a thing. But then she questioned how much meddling in the world the elf had done if they had such powers. But those were questions for other day. Tonight she just wanted to rest and sleep a dreamless sleep. Perhaps she would see that mysterious man again, and maybe talk to him a little bit more. She had many questions. Questions is all we have don’t we she thought to herself.  “We need to find her.” She finally said.
                Spike looked up from his pipe and starred at her.
                “If she is something so precious we cannot permit for any harm to come to her.” Robyn said.
                “I know, but I thought you were looking for this mysterious witch still.” Spike said closing his eyes.
                “That does not matter for now. As we saw tonight she might be closer than we think and besides I think we should be the ones luring her in instead of chasing shadows.” Robyn said smiling. “We need to create such a temptation that it will be hard for her to resist.” She paused and with her wand lifted shot fireworks into the air forming the symbol of the White Mages. A phoenix bird screaming as it got lost into the clouds. “Here we are witch!” Robyn screamed into the night.
                Spike felt his skin shivering. Robyn Sinful reminded him so much of her. Moonglow with her beautiful silver hair playing in the water pond near the magical gardens under the full moon. There she still smiling as he stood in the shadows guarding her. Even if she was a powerful mage that did not need any guarding, but as the daughter of the King she needed to have her guards. He sighed and pushed more smoke rings into the air. Spike felt the change in the air. Excited and worried he closed his old eyes.
                The hooded figured stepped out of the portal into the throne room in the Palace of Agony. There in the aisle the chained ones looked at her as she lowered her hood. She scanned the ancient faces with contempt and servants knelt before her offering her a golden cup of red wine and her skeletal hands held the cup up to her beautiful red lips. She sat on the skeletal throne made out of dragon bones and smiled. Her long silver hair hung to her sides and her green eyes rested on the body that hung from feet to head. “Take him away, there is no more need for him.” She said and the Fallen dropped the chained Holy Knight that pleaded with his sealed mouth.  She flickered her hand and a bolt of light hit the Knight. Smoke poured out and the Fallen began to devour the dead Knight.
                “So, cruel daughter.” A chained corpse said.
                “Shut up mother, or I will let them eat you next.” She said sipping the delicious wine.
                “Do you think this Jellrich witch is going to help us?” A bearded corpse said.
                “She will in due time.” She said pausing and hissing. “Get this mess out of here at once!” She said and the Fallen dragged the half devoured body away.
                “You know that was my favorite staff.” A toothless corpse said pulling her chains.
                “You do not need that any more Beatrice you are just a corpse, and remember she will need it to help your daughter.” She said.
                Beatrice remained quiet. She can hardly remember little Robyn with her long red hair and beautiful eyes that were too innocent. She sighed.
                “What are we going to do about the boy?” The bearded corpse said.
                “He still not awake. It is not use to us like that and besides we still have so much to do before we can do something with him.” She said drinking more of her delicious wine.
                “But don’t you think Lily that Mother Death will intervene before that?” The bearded corpse said.
                Lily smiled and said. “Well she can try but she is too weak right now, and she has more pressing concerns like the breaking of the barrier in Hades.”
                “Oh, yes true enough.” The bearded corpse said laughing. “We shall be ready for that as well.”
                “Indeed we will.” Lily replied half listening to the rest of the chatter between the corpses.  Powerful witches and warlords were chained to her throne like trained puppies. She felt proud of her accomplishments even if half her brothers wanted her gone. Mother Death was a cruel mother to have indeed, but she will be better than that old wrench.  There were millions of souls for the taking and heaven or hell did not need any more souls than they already had. Let them battle on Lily thought. It had been a really long time since those two had a holy war of such scale. She was not yet born when the last war happened. Of course her Mother had to be the savior of the day with the truce. A neutral party for the collection of souls. A smart and well executed plan Lily thought.

                Lily smiled into her cup of wine and imagined her reign as the ruler of death. The Mistress of Agony laughed into the echoing chamber and the chained corpses recoiled.  


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