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Norashe: Before the Storm Chapter 2

Captain Rodrigo Robles
Chapter 2
“The Capital a city that never sleeps. A city where I left my soul. The city where I met my now forgotten love. For it was said that one always left their hearts there. It was true enough. Here I lament those artificial lights and the buzzing of drunks in the corners crying their pains away a midst
the summer rains. High born and commoner cried the night away. For the pains of the Empire never feel stronger than in its Capital. Oh, Norashe City how I miss thee. With your beautiful white bridges and bright lights.”
                -Laments of the Stone Prisoner

  Captain Rodrigo Robles sat in the big red chair facing the bright fire from the fireplace. A golden cup full of delicious honey wine between his fingers. And she with her head on his lap. Not Clarissa his worried wife back in Ascension with his daughter Eliza and grandson little Sebastian. The High Elf woman on his lap with her beautiful black eyes and beautiful ears smiled in silence as he run his fingers through her long black hair. “What are we going to do?” The Captain asked her.
                “What we have always done.” She said half smiling.
                “I am not so sure if that is going to work this time. Robyn and the others are still looking for her.” He tried to control his anger. One thing was to attack him personally another was to go after his family. It was unforgivable.  So far the meetings with the Commander have not gone so well after he had asked for more troops to help with the search for the witch.  When all he wanted to do was to go by himself and hunt that witch down. But, as a Captain he had to follow orders. There was a war still that needed to be fought in Hades and there was the need for good Captains to command troops in there. He crunched the black hair between his fingers without noticing.
                “Hey, I like kinky stuff but be careful!” She said and he released the hair. “We need to think with a clear head this time. First, I do not think what we did in the Waste Lands has anything to do with this witch attacking your family.” She said.
                Captain Robles raised his eye brow and she continued.
She stood up and walked naked to the fireplace with a cup between her hands. “Think about it, if she really wanted to kill you. You would have been death already, and from what you told me she was so powerful that she almost destroyed your beach mansion. It was no common witch looking for quick revenge it must be unrelated.” She took a sip and continued. “Secondly, we have to think why she wanted to harm your daughter Eliza or Robyn for that matter. You said she was a mage from the Waste Lands maybe there is more to this Robyn girl that we assume. Conjuring a lion from a staff is so easy as it seems it requires great deal of magic and just powerful witches and mages are able to achieve after many years of training. She must be a prodigy.” She said smiling to her cup.
                “I do not know. Why would they send such a powerful witch to kill Robyn? It does not make sense. We went to the Waste Lands and we were never attacked by such powerful witches. Even when we were killing them right and left.” The Captain said as it was nothing.
                “I have no idea. But maybe our answer lies with finding more about Robyn Sinful family. We can research in the sealed libraries. I think you as a Captain might have access to such records.”  She said drinking deeply.
                He closed his eyes and sighed. “You might be right. We will have to look for them tomorrow. But for tonight we can have some more fun.” He said smiling.
                “Ah,” she said and put her wine cup down and danced her way to him smiling.

                Meanwhile in the other side of the city the Commander Buendia stood in the balcony of his tower smelling the fresh air. There was something sweet in the air. War. It was war he was sure. Naked he sighed.  His now almost gone white hair flew as a breeze caressed his nakedness. The years had not been kind to his aging body. A fat Holy Knight but a powerful Holy Knight with thousands of troops at his command and more women than he knew what to do with them. But, it was now just emptiness he felt in his heart for there was no longer any passion. Slaughter and death is what excited him the most now. Like good maiden it needed to be done carefully and tenderness. To enjoy the full glory of victory.  The witches were already in the move and soon the other players would show themselves. Hades was almost breached, and it was a matter of time before the slaughter began. The laments of war were knocking with such intensity that he laughed into the night. “Let it come!! Let it come now!”
                Commander Buendia was getting tired of the Captain asking for more troops to chase a single witch.  Captain Robles did not see the big picture the Commander thought. There would be most slaying of witches since the cleansing of Cerro Grande. That glorious May night when the echoes of the burn witches echoed for miles and miles. Of course he had have his share of beautiful red haired witches first brought to his tent before they burn in such beautiful death. Fire was sure beautiful like a mistress that truly shows herself in the dark of night. Oh such glorious and ecstasy victory he felt. Orgasmic and pure.
                On the morrow he would send the Captain to Hades. There were a few more preparations to make but it would be best to keep the Captain away busy killing the beasts pounding the Gates of Hades.  He stepped away from his balcony and rung the bell next to his bed. At once the door opened and a messenger stepped inside. “Bring me Captain Robles my dear boy.” The Commander said smiling.
                Outside the city lived. The night had just began. Music and laughter filled the streets. Thieves and assassins sharpened their knives and readied their bows. It was time for work. A hooded figure hid in the roof shadows. She adjusted her mask one more time. Ursula the Shadow Hunter stepped out of the darkness. Knives flew in the air as they found the necks of the guards patrolling the roofs. Before they dropped she was gone. Back in the shadows she held her breath.  She detested corrupted guards and most of all those that pretended to follow the law making commoners run in fear from them.
                Ursula quietly moved in the shadows to her next targets. She and her clan were the knife of the Empire. Most of them short elves from the Southern Lands. A drunk guard stepped out of the tavern she well knew. The Drunken Maiden. A house for thieves, liars and corrupt guards. She followed him to an alley and as the fool pissed against the wall of a bakery a knife found him behind his neck. Instant death. She loved the glorious spray of blood and she laughed when she saw the stream of yellow pee continuing. It was a good night and she was ahead of schedule.
                A Royal messenger crossed the empty alleys with his blue and yellow uniform on top of a brown horse that galloped as it was in the green grasses of the South lands. Ursula stared after it.  She was curious why the fool messenger had chosen to transverse the dangerous alleys with such speed. She followed jumping from roof to roof.
                Mathew Hill half-drunk exited the Lusty Mermaid. He saw as a dark figure jumped from roof to roof with such speed that he wondered if he had drunk too much. There is never too much he thought. But no, he had just three cups of ale. After all this night he was going to work. Over in the Pink district his gang of thieves waited for him. The night just smelled right to break into some rich High Born fools. Just hot enough for them to leave the windows open of their ancient houses. Old blood that felt too warm probably. We do thieves pray for such nights he thought. That dark figure was going that way, and Matt decided to put his speed to the test. He jumped up to the roof and skilled as a cat he hooded his head hiding his long dirty blonde hair and his yellow eyes at once turned into those of a cat.  His half wolf genes sure helped in the art of thieving.
                Ursula did not noticed Matt following her as she continued to follow the Royal messenger that now was doing some sort stun standing up in the horse and laughing as the breeze flew his long white hair back. Soon he will be in the Pink district she thought.  She was worried that the fool might break his neck in that stun but the messenger even stood in one foot in the saddle and the horse continued its incredible speed. 
                Matt was catching up to the mysterious figure that continued jumping from roof to roof and as he was catching up he noticed a Royal messenger doing stuns in the middle of the empty streets now that they were getting closer to Pink district. He was stunned by how skillful the fool was. This was certainly turning into a very interesting night. What was doing a mysterious figure chasing such fool messenger? Well he would wait in the shadows. Perhaps it was an assassin. His heart beat against his chest and the poison was almost out his system as he continued to sweat. It had been a long time since he had jumped so many damned roofs. But he welcomed the excitement. Thieving and all that was fine. But there was nothing like a good chase. Following the scent of the masked figure was something wild and sweet. He now was certain it was an elf they always had such peculiar scent and probably a female since they mostly always kept clean or maybe a male with too much care for personal care. It did not matter. 
                Ursula noticed as the roof tops where ending and now that she was entering the Pink district they were replaced by gated mansions. She was forced to continue in between the shadows of the too bright artificial lights that illuminated the fancy entrances. Guards half dozing stood straight against the big gates. The messenger was not sitting firm in his saddle and the horse had slowed down. The messenger patted the sides of the horse neck and kept calling him good boy with such sweet voice that Ursula thought she heard the horse purr. Not exactly purr since the horse was not a cat, but something like that she imagined.
                Matt stood still as he watched the messenger slow down and scan the mansions for the right one he guessed. He could smell his gang not so far away. He wanted to warn them.  Even if it was just a messenger he still carried a sword and seemed skillful enough to use it.  There was no point in risking fighting someone from the Royal army and the masked figure might not take kindly any interruptions. He noticed the hidden daggers she had behind her back. He walked more carefully. One wrong move and his little adventure might turn bloody. He whistled like a duck. His gang knew what this meant and soon their scent was getting further away.
                Ursula heard the whistle and turned back. She saw nothing, but felt something now in the back of her neck. Someone was following her. She dropped deeper into the shadows and tried to think in a way to get whomever was chasing her. She had been stupid not to have felt that presence before and as she turned a knife was on her neck.
“Do not move little assassin.” A tall hooded man said. Ursula tried to push the fool away but he had her iron gripped.  She looked up to meet those bright yellow eyes that send shivers down her spine. A wolf or a half wolf in this case. She wanted to run and scream.
“Fool, what do you think you are doing?” She asked under her breath.
“What does it look like I am doing?” he asked reeking of ale fumes.
“Making a big mistake. My clan will slaughter you and your little pack in no time.” She answered without hesitation.
“Hush little elf girl. I have killed your kind before in the Southern Lands. Too much talk and so little action. Now let’s watch that messenger and we will deal with this later.” Matt said pointing with his knife as the messenger was getting off his horse.

Captain Rodrigo Robles laid naked covered in sweat smoking his dust leave. She laid her head on his chest as she caressed his chest. “This is some good stuff. Where did you get it?” He asked.
“High Elves have their secrets dear.” She answered with her now pink cheeks and kissed his chest once again.
The Captain laughed. “Well, but it is really good I feel the world slow down and if was raining right now I would see each drop fall to the ground in slow motion.”
“You turn in into such a poet.” She licked his chest.
“Stop that I need some rest. Tomorrow I have the feeling going to be a long day.” He said closing his eyes.
“We rarely get to play anymore.” She said digging her nails on his stomach.
“Ouch that hurts.” He said.
“Lies. You like when you kitty does this to you.” She said playfully.
“You not kitty. Besides, we should enjoy just embracing like this every now and then. I feel at peace with you. Nothing in the world matters. Time stops with you.”
“I guess that is as good as an excuse for an old man.”  She said grabbing the pipe and inhaling.
“It is true enough. One is not as young as before. But remember that I am still a Holy Knight.” He said and held her head kissing her deeply as the smoke coming through her nose and mouth penetrated his slowing brain.  Gasping she moaned his name.
A knock at the door stopped the flow of passion.
“What is it?” The Captain asked.
“There is a Royal messenger waiting outside, Captain.” The guard said.
“What do you it is about?” She asked standing up.
“No idea.” The Captain put the robe over his shoulders and went out into the cooling night. “But this better be good or I will kick whoever send a messenger this late.”
There the Messenger stood with his clean and ironed uniform smiling and holding a sealed envelope. The Captain right away knew that seal. Commander Buendia. The rising sun over the Empire. How much of kiss butt one could get the Captain did not know.
Ursula and Matt watched as the Captain stepped outside tall and with long white hair. A true Holy Knight Matt thought. An imposing figure that read over and over the unsealed envelope. As if the words were not connecting to his brain. “What do you think is making the knight so nervous?” he asked the assassin.
Ursula studied the tall knight once again. He looked familiar. But no. “He looks high to me.”
Matt sniffed the air and said. “You are right I can smell the dust leave all the way to here. If it is a summons by someone important I would be in that state too. Look at him he looks about to pound someone.”
Ursula nodded.
Captain Robles could not believe what he was reading. He was to go to Commander Buendia at once. He felt half drunk and half high. Not a good combination.  Perhaps tonight he was going to get no sleep and he felt he was going away. “How did the Commander seem when he wrote this?” He asked the messenger that was patting his horse.
“He seemed happy. I thought he was drunk but the wine bottle was full and there he stood naked as his name day and wrote that letter. ‘Bring me the Captain at once,’ that’s what he said. So, I just headed off even as the seal wax was cooling.” The messenger said showing his stained uniform pocket where the wax had stained it.
It was something serious then the Captain thought. Or maybe the Commander had finally gone crazy. He called for his guards and told one of them to bring his armor and a horse and to give the messenger a drink. He made his way to her. When he arrived she was already dressed in her long black dress and her hair was tied up.
“I am guessing our play time is over Captain.” She said.
“It seems so. I am summoned by the Great Commander.” He said.
“When will we see again?” She asked helping him dress.
“No idea. I have the feeling we are for a long waiting.” He said a little sad.
“Do not feel so doom my love.” She said kissing his neck. “Just remember my warm and wet kisses.” She said smiling. Holding her tears.
“Back to council Mrs. Moonglow Silverdust?” He asked kissing her hand.
“Indeed my dear Captain Robles.” She said curtsying and her bright red smile almost broke his heart. “One needs to keep the enemies closer or so the saying goes.”
“I am sure you will continue to do the good work.” The Captain said.
“Until we meet again. My Holy Knight” She said kissing him once again. “Kill some beasts in my name. For I will do with some of the rats that spy on me.”
“Be careful with what you say. The walls have ears or so I heard here in the Capital.” He said and she smiled as she left him put on his Captain armor.
Outside Matt and Ursula stood still as they watched a tall veiled woman covered in black exit the mansion. The messenger bowed as he continued to drink and giving some to his stallion. “That was a member of the masked council.” Matt said under his breath.
Ursula wondered how this tall man knew such things.  But somehow they both were intrigued in the happenings of what was happening this night. So far, many interesting things have happened. What was a council woman doing with a Holy Knight? There was more here than she first thought.
Captain Robles stepped out of the Mansion and there his horse was waiting and the messenger was smiling on top of his horse. The cooling night felt a welcomed gift his drunkenness and the effects of the dust leave were diminishing. After all his body could fight such things if he needed. He probably looked too bright. But it did not matter. He would be back to his old self when he got to the Commander’s tower.
The ground began to shake and the Captain held to his horse. Then fireballs flew into the air that were going straight for him. With quick instincts he drew his sword to reflect them. The artificial lights flickered out of existence and darkness engulfed the street.
Ursula drew her daggers as dark figures emerged from the darkness. She noticed as Matt growled and was in a fighting stance.
Captain Robles noticed the dark figures emerging from the ground. The messenger and the guards formed a shield around him.  A crackling laugh erupted from the darkness.
“It is not use Captain.” The female voice said.
More fireballs shot in his direction. He extinguished them with his Holy Sword that shone light a Sun ray penetrating the darkness revealing the fallen crawling in the ground towards him. “Quick, get on your horses!” he said to this guards and they did at once. The Captain stood facing the fallen and began to swing his sword and praying in the Angelic language and the sword of the light was brighter.
Hooded figures were revealed at least three or four witches the Captain thought.  All shot spells at him at once a few landed on him and a few were reflected by his sword. More fallen were coming. Chaos erupted as two more figures began to slay the hooded figures that came out of the darkness. Blood and insides flew into the night. A flash of daggers and knives made short work of the hooded witches.  The fallen made for the two unknown. The Captain continued to shout in the Angelic language and the fallen stunned began to fall back into the darkness. At the distance the Captain could hear the horses and shouting at the distance.  He called out to the strangers. “Come to me at once. It is probably the city guard and you going to be in trouble!” He said and the strangers looked back at him in awe.
Ursula hesitated.  It would not be good to be found with witch blood in her hands, but she went to the Captain side. It was better than trying to out run the guard and she knew she would be caught sooner or later.
Matthew tried to run, but Ursula grabbed him with such a force that he stopped in his tracks. He knew he was done. He was a wanted man after all. In a burr his weapons disappeared, and as the Pink lights of the Pink District began to return the massacre became too clear for Matt. What he and Ursula had killed was more than just witches. It were enthralled witches. Meaning they had already been killed by someone else and someone was controlling them from somewhere else. Shivers ran through his back.
Captain Robles stood straight and did not like the sight before him. He scanned with his enhanced eyes for the necromancer witch that probably still hid in the shadows. But, he guessed it was too late already. She must be long gone. The City guards arrived half drunk and sweaty. Rich onlookers took on the scene with distaste and the howling of dogs began.
Commander Buendia lifted his heavy eyelids and smelled the sorcery in the air. He said a short prayer for the innocent and smiled. The howling sent a bolt of pain through his back. Memories they were just memories he told himself. Dogs had howled like that when the war on the Wall had been lost. Camp dogs and the war dogs.  Ear piercing crying that lamented the defeat of one of the watchers. The commander was still nose running teenager that cowered under the keep as the Dragons set afire the fortress and the watchers. That bloody snowy winter Sunrise Commander Buendia was born from the ashes. Red eyed and his hopes shattered he jumped on top of that green dying dragon that stumbled dripping bloody.  His Holy Sword swung true. Of course if he had used it before perhaps the defeat would have not happened. But, who could blame a green Holy Knight that was just sent there to the remote post as a favor to his Rich father. It was a safe place to be they had said, but it was so far from the truth. Covered in blood among the ashes of his companions Commander Buendia smiled as the howls continued.  Shouting he challenged the rest of the dragons that scavenged through the ashes for something, but they ignored him as they lifted into the air. Their job was done.  Commander Buendia putting on his armor smiled once again into the darkness. The dragon armor fitted him perfectly. Green and scaled. Light and powerful. It was time for madness.
Captain Robles ignored the questions from the guards and just mounted up in his beautiful tall war horse that he felt wanted to run into battle. He calmed the beast and smiled. “Follow me close we continuing the fun tonight.” He said to his two new companions.

Ursula and Matt mounted on the other horses that the house guards had brought and they galloped into the awaiting city. Ursula smiled. She smelled mother death lurking near.


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