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Showing posts from July, 2014

A Journey Chapter 1

When Will This Journey End? Chapter 1.   The wind blew over the Silk Road. Slaves and Masters smiled as the fresh breeze cooled their sweaty head. A whip flashed through the air and hit a bull to pull the heavy load forward. The Road was almost finish and the inauguration was just over the next full moon. The final touches were being done and everything was getting ready for the big celebration. Everyone was nervous because it had been one of the greatest investments of the Eastern Kingdoms and the Middle Kingdoms that just a few generations fought in bloody wars and never ending disputes. This road was a sign of the peace that now reigned in the region. Of course, it was not something that was done overnight. Kings and Queens had to fight for the project to move forward. But, that story is for another time.

Under the Bed

                Luke’s mother has always avoided talking about the brown traveling case that is under the bed. Whenever she cleans up under the bed, Luke always asks her what is inside the case but she just changes the subject and moves on.  She always keeps the little golden key that opens the case around her neck and never takes it off unless when she showers. Luke has made many attempts to get the key but he never gets it. Today, his aunt, Mary, and cousin, Laura, are visiting them. Laura is thirteen just like Luke is. She is a little taller than and she has always made fun of how short he is. “Hey you still the short one” Laura says putting her hand on top of Luke’s head and showing him that he just reaches where her nose is. “You know that guys grow a little slower and someday I will be taller than you!” he says and runs off to the living room. Her aunt and mom stay on the kitchen getting ready t...

The Last Song Part 1

The Last Song                  The rain fell in the paved and trashed alley the black and blue trash bins welcomed the cleansing rain. It was another typical summer rain in the City. A black cat licked his pawns under the shelter of the pizzeria place hanging roof and the fat owner snored the afternoon away. His long and greasy hair hugged his rounded face. Inside the pizzeria flies and turned chairs ruled the dark place. In the kitchen the old brick oven laid wide open with flames licking out into the darkness now and then. The delivery driver sat in front of the old computer with the office door closed and his pants unbuttoned watching his favorite popup filled porn; big silicone lesbians with heroin marks still fresh around their bodies. There was no sound in that old computer but there was no need for our savvy driver. He just filled the blank moans with his imagination. It was better this way he thought....